Agilent Genomics, NEW! Life Science, 5 x 0.2 mL

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Agilent Genomics offers one of the broadest molecular biology portfolios of any company serving the life science market. Thomas Scientific customers will have access to more than 700 Agilent Genomics products – including qPCR instruments, reagents, PCR enzymes, CRISPR libraries, and many more. Please contact your local Thomas representative for further assistance.

  • Agilent Genomics

    SCS110 competent cells for generating unmethylated DNA improve quality and yield of miniprep DNA. Transformation efficiency of = 5 x 106 transformants/µg DNA Propagated DNA digestible by methylation-sensitive enzymes such as Xba I, Cla I, and EcoR II;Endonuclease-deficient cells…

  • Agilent Genomics

    XL1-Blue Competent Cells are versatile for routine cloning and allow blue-white color screening. Designed to provide a host for optimal propagation of both plasmid and lambda phage vectors Available in a range of cloning efficiencies Available as economical subcloning-grade Competent…

  • Agilent Genomics

    Competent cells used to prepare plasmid or phagemid cells for more accurate analysis High quality competent cells for preparing methylation-free DNA. The SCS110 strain lacks both dam and dcm activity, and DNA propagated in this strain can be digested by methylation-sensitive enzymes such…

  • Agilent Genomics

    JM101 competent cells are recombination- and E. coli K12 restriction-proficient. Recombination- and E. coli K12 restriction-proficient;Blue-white color screening possible for recombinant plasmids Transformation efficiency > 1 x 10^8 transformants/µg DNA JM101…

  • Agilent Genomics

    SURE 2 competent cells are ideal for routine cloning of DNA with secondary structures. Lack components of the pathways that catalyze the rearrangement and deletion of nonstandard secondary and tertiary structures Allow for blue-white color screening Replicating eukaryotic DNA in…

  • Agilent Genomics

    Easily induce and express phosphorylated proteins, which can be used to screen expression libraries, to affinity purify or blot proteins that interact with the tyrosine-phosphorylated target. Competent cell lines for inducible phosphoprotein expression TKB1 Competent Cells are derived…

  • Agilent Genomics

    BL21(DE3) competent cells provide nontoxic protein expression and high transformation efficiency. Cloning directly in the strain can save you two days of work on subcloning procedures BL21-gold competent cells feature the high transformation efficiency phenotype (Hte) and have the gene…

  • XL1-Blue MRF’ and XL1-Blue MR competent cells allow representational cloning of methylated DNA. Transformation efficiency for XL1-Blue MR and XL-1 Blue MRF’ supercompetent cells of =1 x 10^9 transformants/µg Transformation efficiency for XL1-Blue MRF´ Kan…

  • Agilent Genomics

    BL21 competent cells are an all-purpose strain for high-level protein expression and easy induction. High-level protein expression and easy induction Can be used with non-T7 RNA polymerase protein expression systems Allows the tightest control of protein expression for extremely…

  • Agilent Genomics

    SCSI supercompetent and DH5a competent cells are classic E. coli strains engineered for competence. Engineered to become competent This collection of competent cells, including SCSI supercompetent cells and DH5a competent cells, consists of classic E. coli strains that have been…

  • Agilent Genomics

    XL-1 Red Competent Cells are ideal for introducing random mutations into a cloned gene of interest. Suitable for generating random mutations within genes lacking selectable or screenable phenotypes Does not require extensive genetic or biochemical manipulations;Generate random mutations…

  • Agilent Genomics

    ABLE K Competent Cells for toxic clones reduce copy number 10-fold compared to the XL1-Blue strain. Reduces the copy number of ColE1-derived plasmids (such as pUC and pBluescript® plasmids) 10-fold Decreases level of cloned protein product to increase cell viability …

  • Agilent Genomics

    JM109 competent cells for routine cloning are recombination- and endonuclease-deficient. Recombination- and endonuclease-deficient Blue-white color screening possible for recombinant plasmids Transformation efficiency 1 x 10^8 transformants/µg DNA JM109 competent…

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