ICP-MS Torches

ICP-MS Torches

Products (73)

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  • Torch Injector

    Agilent Technologies

    Agilent ICP-OES inert torches with alumina/ceramic injectors allow the analysis of samples containg hydrofluoric (HF) acid. HF resistant torches/injectors are suitable for handling HF digests unlike standard quartz injectors where the free HF attacks and degrades the quartz components. Inert torches...

  • Injector Assembly

    Agilent Technologies

    The Agilent Technologies 2 mm injector assembly with twisting capability is made from PFA-platinum material that ensures a smooth flow of liquid. Application: For ELAN DRC-e/9000/6x00/5000/500/NexION, PerkinElmer ICP-MS This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers. For research use...

  • 3-Slot Quartz Torch for Optima 8x00

    Demountable design using one-piece quartz tubing for plasma and auxiliary gas flow. Available in a wide range of styles from 0-slot to 3-slot torches, depending on instrument and application needs. Torches without slots are recommended for organic solvents. 1-slot torches are the standard torch for...

  • Axial Purge Extension Window for Optima 3x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8300

    The Axial View Purge Extension Window is a replaceable quartz window that slides into the purge extension between the torch and the optics. The Radial View Purge Extension Window Tube is a replaceable quartz Tube that slides into the mount between the torch and the optics for the radial view.

  • Axial Purge Extension Window for Optima 2x00/3000 SCX/3x00 XL/7000/8000

    The Axial View Purge Extension Window is a replaceable quartz window that slides into the purge extension between the torch and the optics. The Radial View Purge Extension Window Tube is a replaceable quartz Tube that slides into the mount between the torch and the optics for the radial view.

  • 1-Slot Quartz Outer Tube for Optima 8x00 D-Torch

    The D-Torch is a revolutionary new demountable torch design with interchangeable outer Tubes. Quartz outer Tubes are ideal for most aqueous samples, while ceramic outer Tubes last longer for samples with high dissolving solids or for organic applications, such as wear metals in engine oils.

  • Torch Injector Nut for NexION 2000/1000

    Two Torch Injector Nuts are included in the NexION 2000 ICP-MS Base Configuration's Consumable Kit (N8150054), Core Configuration's Consumable Kit (N8150055), Productivity Configuration's Consumable Kit (N8150056), and Semi Configuration's Consumable Kit (N8150057). One is also included in the...

  • Radial Purge Extension Window for Optima 5x00/7100/7200/7300 DV/8300

    The Axial View Purge Extension Window is a replaceable quartz window that slides into the purge extension between the torch and the optics. The Radial View Purge Extension Window Tube is a replaceable quartz Tube that slides into the mount between the torch and the optics for the radial view.

  • Torch O-Ring Kit for Optima 8x00

    This kit includes: O-Ring 29.74 mm I.D., Qty. 1 (09902131) O-Ring 20.3 mm I.D., Qty. 2 (09902223) O-Ring 28.17 mm I.D., Qty. 1 (09921061) O-Ring 26.57 mm I.D., Qty. 1 (09921062) Silicone Super-O-Lube, 2 grams (09200078)

  • Demountable Quartz Torch (Black Mark) for NexION 2000/1000

    This demountable quartz torch, marked black, allows for the use of different injectors depending on the application. It's included in the PFA-Platinum HF-Sample Introduction Kit (N8150033) and the Productivity Configuration's Sample Introduction Kit (N8150036).

  • Injector Support Adaptor

    Agilent Technologies

    Agilent quartz, sapphire, and alumina torch injectors, and injector support adapters for PerkinElmer NexION 300/350 & ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs ICP-MS instruments. Achieve guaranteed performance with supplies for PE from Agilent that are equivalent to the PerkinElmer ICP-MS versions so you can use...

  • Torch, quartz 1.0mm inj taper for ICP-MS

    Agilent Technologies products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Agilent Technologies distributor to place orders for Agilent Technologies products.

  • Torch Glassware Knurled Nut for Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00

    This torch glassware knurled nit is used with Optima 2x00 DV, 4x00 DV, 5x00 DV, 7x00 DV, and 8x00 ICP-OES series instruments.

  • Scott/Cross-Flow Sample Introduction Module for Avio 200

    This module kit includes: External Spray Chamber, Qty. 1 (N0791499) Inner Chamber for External Ryton/Type II Spray Chamber, Qty. 1 (N0582258) 2 mm I.D. Alumina Injector, Qty. 1 (N0791183) 1-Slot Quartz Torch, Qty. 1 (N0790131) End Cap Assembly for GemTip Cross-Flow Nebulizer, Qty. 1 (N0780546)...

  • Adjustable Torch O-Ring Kit for Avio 200/500

    This kit includes: O-Ring 20.3 mm I.D., Qty. 2 (09902223) O-Ring 2.57 mm I.D., Qty. 2 (N0791334) Plastic O-Ring Removal Pick, Qty. 1 (09220410)

  • 3-Slot Quartz Torch for Optima 4300/5300/7300 V

    Demountable design using one-piece quartz tubing for plasma and auxiliary gas flow. Available in a wide range of styles from 0-slot to 3-slot torches, depending on instrument and application needs. Torches without slots are recommended for organic solvents. 1-slot torches are the standard torch for...

  • Support Adapter

    Agilent Technologies

    The Agilent Technologies support adapter provides good resistance to corrosion and conforms well with Ryton Scott spray chamber and twist-type torch mounts. Application: For Twist-Type Ball-Joint Injector, for ELAN DRC/DRCplus/DRC II, PerkinElmer ICP-MS This product is only available to U.S....

  • Torches and Components

    Agilent Technologies

    Comprised of three Concentric Quartz tubes through which streams of argon gas pass. Three streams = plasma, auxiliary, and nebulizer (carrier) gas. Agilent Technologies products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Agilent Technologies...

  • 1-Slot Quartz Torch for Optima 8x00

    Demountable design using one-piece quartz tubing for plasma and auxiliary gas flow. Available in a wide range of styles from 0-slot to 3-slot torches, depending on instrument and application needs. Torches without slots are recommended for organic solvents. 1-slot torches are the standard torch for...

  • Connector tube with gas port, inert kit

    Agilent Technologies products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Agilent Technologies distributor to place orders for Agilent Technologies products.

  • PFA-Sapphire Injector Assembly

    Agilent Technologies

    Agilent quartz, sapphire, and alumina torch injectors, and injector support adapters for PerkinElmer NexION 300/350 & ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs ICP-MS instruments. Achieve guaranteed performance with supplies for PE from Agilent that are equivalent to the PerkinElmer ICP-MS versions so you can use...

  • ICP-MS Injector Support Adapter

    Agilent quartz, sapphire, and alumina torch injectors, and injector support adapters for PerkinElmer NexION 300/350 & ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs ICP-MS instruments. Achieve guaranteed performance with supplies for PE from Agilent that are equivalent to the PerkinElmer ICP-MS versions so you can use...

  • Copper Torch Ignitor Tape for Optima 8x00

    Part of the Cyclonic/Concentric Kit 8x00 which includes: 1 Slot Quartz Torch, 2.0 mm i.d. Alumina Injector, Glass Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Meinhard ® Type K1 Nebulizer, Quartz Torch Copper Ignitor Tape – Qty. 50 pcs.

  • Torch Alignment Tool

    Agilent Technologies

    Agilent torches and accessories are fully compatible with your PerkinElmer ICP-MS. The high efficiency demountable quartz torch operates at 25% reduced argon gas flow compared to the demountable quartz torch. The standard Agilent guarantee applies to our chemistries and supplies for PerkinElmer...

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