Tube & Vial Crimpers & Decappers

Decappers are essential for sealing and opening various vials and bottles specially sealed with aluminum seals or caps. This instrument provides convenience when crimping or decrypting the seals or caps to ensure secure closure and easy access to the sample. Tube crimpers are available in many sizes to suit the cap and vial types and provide convenience when handling samples for analysis. Some models provide adjustable features to control the crimping pressure and a uniform seal across multiple vials.

Decappers are designed to remove crimped seals from vials safely. The claw-like mechanism of vial decappers provides easy removal for processing and analysis applications. Metal crimpers and vial decappers are essential lab tools for various applications such as storing, transporting, or analyzing sensitive samples.

See also our lab vials within our extensive range of lab supplies.

Tube & Vial Crimpers & Decappers

Products (47)

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  • FluidX™ Manual Decappers

    Azenta Life Sciences

    The range of manual decappers from FluidX offers a cost effective and easy to use method of decapping tubes sealed with single screw caps or TPE caps allowing individual manual sample access. The manual 8-way TPE cap decapper provides a fast option for the removal of 8 caps from a single column....

  • Ergonomic Crimper/Decapper, 20mm

    Chromatography Research Supplies

    The CRS 20mm manual crimpers/ decappers fit standard laboratory vials and seals with aluminum caps. The CRS 20mm manual flip off crimpers are specially designed to crimp flip off caps.  The ergonomic curved handle provides more hand comfort during use compared to metal grip designs. The bottom...

  • Battery-Powered Automatic Crimping Tools

    DWK Life Sciences (Wheaton)

    Wheaton battery powered crimpers and decappers fit standard laboratory vials and seals with aluminum or twopart aluminum/steel caps. The electronically adjustable cycle is accurate and reproducible and can be adjusted with the control pad on top of the unit. The tools are ergonomically designed to...

  • IntelliXcap™ Automated Screw Cap Decapper/Recapper 96-format, Extended Height

    The IntelliXcap Automated Screw Cap Decapper/Recapper 96-format, Extended Height is specifically designed to work with taller 96-format tubes including nasal swabs with integral caps. As part of the IntelliXcap range, the system is engineered for increased throughput, ease of use and high system...

  • Manual Crimpers and Decappers

    Thermo Scientific Sun SRi

    High quality construction for durability and long life Painted, plated and coated for maximum corrosion resistance Textured handle surface provides assured grip Adjustable stop accommodates wide ranges of cap thickness for optimal sealing performance

  • 8-Channel Screw Cap Decapper

    Thermo Scientific Matrix

    Process a full rack of Thermo Scientific™ Matrix™ or Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ tubes in less than one minute with this ergonomic, manual capper/decapper. The Thermo Scientific™ 8-Channel Screw Cap Capper/Decapper is designed to cap tubes to the optimal torque to maintain sample integrity and prevent...

  • Ergonomic Crimper, 8mm

    Chromatography Research Supplies

    The 8mm manual crimpers fit standard laboratory vials and seals with aluminum caps. The ergonomic curved handle provides more hand comfort during use compared to metal grip designs. The bottom pull handle allows for a steady hold and there is no more "extra" squeeze required. An easily...

  • MicroLiter EZ-Decappers™ Hand Operated Vial Cappers and Decappers

    MicroLiter EZ-Decappers™ Hand Operated Cappers and Decappers by MicroLiter are easy-to-use tools for crimping and decrimping chromatography vial closures.

  • AlteCap™ Swift Cap Driver Cassettes
  • FluidX IntelliXcap™ 48-Format Screw Cap Tube Rack Decapper/Capper

    FluidX IntelliXcap™ 48 is the next-generation capper and de-capper, engineered for increased throughput, ease of use and high system reliability, making the system ideal for any laboratory managing compound libraries or biological sample stores    Advanced automation for increased...

  • E-Z Crimper™

    DWK Life Sciences (Wheaton)

    Used to attach aluminum seals to bottles and vials with a crimp/serum finish Cushioned ergonomic handle reduces hand fatigue Labeled for quick size identification Polished crimping jaws provide consistent sealing The 11mm E-Z Crimper™ is supplied with a plunger insert to give the option of...

  • Crimpers And Decappers

    Hand-operated with adjustable stop Cushion grip for user comfort Economical and durable Remove seals quickly and easily Crimpers: Attach aluminum caps and seals to bottles for lab scale production. Decappers: To remove a seal, place decapper on seal and squeeze handles together.

  • IntelliXcap™ Automated Septum Cap Decapper/Recapper 96-format

    The IntelliXcap Septum Caps is ideal for use in high throughput workflows when requiring decapping, recapping and capping of septum capped tubes. The instrument provides secure sealing, eliminating the requirement of manual intervention and preserves vital sample integrity. Capping module included...

  • Electronic High Power Crimping Tools

    Electronic high power crimping tool for 11 mm, 13 mm and 20 mm crimp caps Due to a more powerful motor also suitable for magnetic and bi-metal crimp caps With fixed 12 V DC power supply Exchangeable crimping / decapping heads Digital LED display of crimp settings; different jaw settings can be...

  • IntelliXcap Automated Screw Cap Decapper, 24-format, compatible with validated sample storage tubes and cartridges

    IntelliXcap Automated Screw Cap Decapper/Recapper 24-format is next-generation, engineered for increased throughput, ease of use and high system reliability, making the system ideal for any laboratory managing compound libraries or biological sample stores Advanced automation for increased...

  • Capit-All™ Screw Cap Tube Capper/Decapper

    Maintain sample integrity with a hands-free method of capping and decapping tubes quickly and easily with the Thermo Scientific™ Capit-All™ Screw Cap Tube Capper/Decapper. Enhanced Productivity Increase throughput by capping and decapping an entire rack at a time in approximately 10 seconds...

  • Hand-operated aluminum cap crimper
  • Crimpers Hand Crimper, for use with 11 mm Crimp Seals

    The Supelco hand held crimper provides a consistent and dependable seal that allows secure vial closure each and evey time. The high quality construction is engineered for durability and long life to provide a smooth and simple operation. Application Hand crimper may be used to seal a glass vial...

  • Crimper/Decappers

    DWK Life Sciences (Wheaton)

    These crimpers are used for flip cap seals and for aluminum seals sizes 16.5, 28.5, and 30mm. Not autoclavable.

  • AlteCap™ Swift 96 CELL

    Integration model for automated screw cap decapping. Integrated with optical detection grid. Automatically detects tube heights when switching between different tube volumes. Features extended tray for easy access by robotic arm, automatic door and remote control capability. Cap driver cassettes...

  • High Performance Automatic Crimping Tools

    Wheaton High Performance Crimping Tool is designed with inter-changeable jaws, so that you only need one tool and purchase the size crimper and decappers needed for your laboratory. The jaw sets are available as crimper and decappers which fit standard lab vials seals with aluminum or two-part...

  • IntelliXcap Accessories

    Azenta Life Sciences

    Accessories for IntelliXcap Azenta products are intended for sale/shipment within the US and Latin America only.

  • KapSafe-Mini Bench Top Recapper

    Protect Against Repetitive –Motion Injuries Associated with Manual Recapping • STOP Manually Recapping Tubes! • Protect Against Repetitive Motion Injuries • Protect Against Tech Boredom! • Improve Laboratory Productivity • Bench-top system for the recapping of single...

  • Ergonomic Crimper/Decapper, 11mm

    Chromatography Research Supplies

    The CRS 11 mm manual crimpers fit standard laboratory vials and seals with aluminum caps. The ergonomic curved handle provides more hand comfort during use compared to metal grip designs. The bottom pull handle allows for a steady hold and there is no more "extra" squeeze required. An...

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