MP Biomedicals, Cell Culture Reagent, Chemicals, Bottle, Glass

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MP Biomedicals

MP Biomedicals is a worldwide corporation manufacturing and distributing systems, kits and reagents for the life science research, medical device, biopharma manufacturing and diagnostics markets. Our extensive portfolio and custom services deliver the dependability that research and industrial communities rely on to worry less and discover more. From small scale research to large scale manufacturing, MP Biomedicals has been advancing life science projects for over 50 years.

  • MP Biomedicals

    Sodium selenite is commonly used as a source of selenium in biological research, where selenium is an essential trace element that is normally provided by serum. Selenium is present in selenoproteins such as glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase, which contain the selenium analog of…

  • MP Biomedicals

    Folic acid, also known as folate, is a B vitamin that can be found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. It can also be chemically synthesized. Folate, a watersoluble vitamin, helps the body form red blood cells and aids in the formation of genetic material within every body cell. Folic Acid is a…

  • MP Biomedicals

    An essential amino acid.

  • Protamine sulfate is a purified mixture of simple protein principles obtained from the sperm or testes of suitable species of fish, which has the property of neutralizing heparin. Because of having much basic amino acids (mostly arginine) protamine contains far greater nitrogen than other proteins.…

  • L-Glutamic Acid is a non-essential amino acid for human development; referred to as an excitatory amino acid (EAA) due to its role in neurotransmission. Acts as a neurotransmitter at fast synapses; agonist at kainate, NMDA and quisqualate receptors. L-Glutamic acid is one of the two amino acids…

  • MP Biomedicals

    Cycloheximide is a glutarimide antibiotic derived from a microbial source. Cycloheximide is an antibiotic which is very active against many molds, yeasts, and phytopathogenic fungi. It exhibits somewhat lower activity against bacteria and certain fungi. Control of various molds and fungi in…

  • Penicillin G potassium Salt is a salt of Penicillin G. Penicillin G is a hydrophobic, β-lactam antibiotic produced by Penicillium spp. Penicillin G is also known as benzylpenicillin and contains a 6’ phenylacetyl side chain. In acid aqueous solutions, Penicillin is reported to decompose…

  • MP Biomedicals

    N-Acetyl-L-cysteine is an acetylated amino acid with antioxidant and mucolytic properties for isolation of mycobacteria from sputum. As a mucolytic agent, N-Acetyl-L-cysteine serves to dissipate disulfide bonds across mucoproteins, loosening and clearing the viscosity of sputum. …

  • MP Biomedicals

    Kanamycin sulfate is an antimicrobial agent effective against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and mycoplasma. It binds to the 70S ribosomal subunit, inhibits translocation, and elicits miscoding. Cross-resistance occurs between kanamycin and neomycin, framycetin, and paromomycin, and…

  • MP Biomedicals

    Pyruvic acid is an intermediate in sugar metabolism and in enzymatic carbohydrate degradation (alcoholic fermentation) where it is converted to acetaldehyde and CO2 by carboxylase. In muscle, pyruvic acid (derived from glycogen) is reduced to lactic acid during exertion, which is reoxidized and…

  • Trehalose Dihydrate is an osmolyte, a chemical chaperone. It contains many properties that allow it to stabilize partially unfolded protein molecules and inhibit protein aggregation. It includes a low chemical reactivity, high glass transition temperature, existence of numerous polymorphs,…

  • MP Biomedicals

    L-Cysteine is a proteinogenic amino acid incorporated into proteins as directed by the genetic code. The thiol-side chain participates in a variety of oxidation/reduction reactions within the cell. The side chain participates in the formation of β bonds that modulate the secondary and ternary…

  • P2 purinergic agonist; increases activity of Ca2+-activated K+ channels; substrate for ATP-dependent enzyme systems. Adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) and its phosphate bonds are the basic components of energy exchange in many biological systems.

  • MP Biomedicals

    L-Glutamine, the uncharged and amidated analog of L-glutamic acid, is an important amino acid for the incorporation of NH4+ into biomolecules. It is biosynthesized from NH4. L-Glutamine is an essential amino acid that is a crucial component of culture media that serves as a major energy source…

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