Chromatography SPE Columns

Chromatography SPE Columns

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  • CDS Empore™ 2215: C18-HD Bonded Silica, 12um SPE Disk

    Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. End-capped to minimize polar interactions. Recommended for strong non-polar analyte extractions. EPA Methods 506,508.1,525.2, 550.1,608,1613B, etc.

  • Bond Elut 96-Round-Well Plate

    Agilent Technologies

    Bond Elut 96 round-well plates enable straightforward, rapid conversion from cartridge-based methods to the automation-friendly 96-well format. 96 round-well plates are available in various silica-based and polymeric sorbents. These plates are well suited to smaller sample volumes. Bond Elut 96 well...

  • Bond Elut 96-Square-Well Plate

    Agilent Technologies

    Bond Elut 96 square-well plates facilitate transfer from cartridge-based methods to 96-well plate automated formats. The 2 mL wells accommodate the larger processing volumes from older methods, easing method transfer and revalidation. When larger samples or wash volumes are required, the 2 mL well...

  • VersaPlate Well Plate Tube

    Agilent Technologies

    The VersaPlate allows you to process more samples in less time with less waste. In its 96-well format, tubes are removable, making this system simpler to use and far more flexible than conventional 96-well formats. You can customize the configuration to different numbers of samples. This product is...

  • Bond Elut 96-Square-Well Plate

    Agilent Technologies

    Bond Elut 96 square-well plates facilitate transfer from cartridge-based methods to 96-well plate automated formats. This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers. For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

  • Bond Elut 96-Round-Well Plate

    Agilent Technologies

    Bond Elut 96 round-well plates enable straightforward, rapid conversion from cartridge-based methods to the automation-friendly 96-well format. 96 round-well plates are available in various silica-based and polymeric sorbents. These plates are well suited to smaller sample volumes. Bond Elut 96 well...

  • VersaPlate Pre-Assembled 96-Well Plate

    The VersaPlate allows you to process more samples in less time with less waste. In its 96-well format, tubes are removable, making this system simpler to use and far more flexible than conventional 96-well formats. You can customize the configuration to different numbers of samples. This product is...

  • VersaPlate Pre-Assembled 96-Well Plate

    The VersaPlate allows you to process more samples in less time with less waste. In its 96-well format, tubes are removable, making this system simpler to use and far more flexible than conventional 96-well formats. You can customize the configuration to different numbers of samples. This product is...

  • CDS Empore™ 2370: Oil & Grease Disk

    One-Piece (C18 bonded silica, bead and depth filter) design eliminates additional prefilter and filter aids. Provide up to 90% solvent reduction, excellent processing speed (fast flow rates), and contamination-free extractions with accurate and reproducible results. EPA Method 1664.

  • Bond Elut 96-Round-Well Plate

    Agilent Technologies

    Bond Elut 96 round-well plates enable straightforward, rapid conversion from cartridge-based methods to the automation-friendly 96-well format. 96 round-well plates are available in various silica-based and polymeric sorbents. These plates are well suited to smaller sample volumes. Bond Elut 96 well...

  • HyperSep™ C8 SPE Cartridges

    The use of SPE sample preparation can significantly enhance the robustness and reliability of many biological, pharmaceutical, forensic and environmental applications. Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep C8 SPE Cartridges offer a less retentive alternative to C18 for polar and nonpolar compounds, and...

  • VersaPlate Well Plate Tube

    Agilent Technologies

    The VersaPlate allows you to process more samples in less time with less waste. In its 96-well format, tubes are removable, making this system simpler to use and far more flexible than conventional 96-well formats. You can customize the configuration to different numbers of samples. This product is...

  • VersaPlate Well Plate Tube

    Agilent Technologies

    The VersaPlate allows you to process more samples in less time with less waste. In its 96-well format, tubes are removable, making this system simpler to use and far more flexible than conventional 96-well formats. You can customize the configuration to different numbers of samples. This product is...

  • CDS Empore™ 2214: C8-HD Bonded Silica, 12um SPE Disk

    Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. End-capped to minimize polar interactions. Recommended for moderate non-polar analyte extractions. EPA 559.1

  • VersaPlate Pre-Assembled 96-Well Plate

    The VersaPlate allows you to process more samples in less time with less waste. In its 96-well format, tubes are removable, making this system simpler to use and far more flexible than conventional 96-well formats. You can customize the configuration to different numbers of samples. This product is...

  • VersaPlate Pre-Assembled 96-Well Plate

    The VersaPlate allows you to process more samples in less time with less waste. In its 96-well format, tubes are removable, making this system simpler to use and far more flexible than conventional 96-well formats. You can customize the configuration to different numbers of samples. This product is...

  • Bond Elut 96-Square-Well Plate

    Agilent Technologies

    Bond Elut 96 square-well plates facilitate transfer from cartridge-based methods to 96-well plate automated formats. The 2 mL wells accommodate the larger processing volumes from older methods, easing method transfer and revalidation. When larger samples or wash volumes are required, the 2 mL well...

  • Bond Elut 96-Round-Well Plate

    Agilent Technologies

    Bond Elut 96 round-well plates enable straightforward, rapid conversion from cartridge-based methods to the automation-friendly 96-well format. 96 round-well plates are available in various silica-based and polymeric sorbents. These plates are well suited to smaller sample volumes. Bond Elut 96 well...

  • Bond Elut 96-Round-Well Plate

    Agilent Technologies

    Bond Elut 96 round-well plates enable straightforward, rapid conversion from cartridge-based methods to the automation-friendly 96-well format. 96 round-well plates are available in various silica-based and polymeric sorbents. These plates are well suited to smaller sample volumes. Bond Elut 96 well...

  • VersaPlate Pre-Assembled 96-Well Plate

    The VersaPlate allows you to process more samples in less time with less waste. In its 96-well format, tubes are removable, making this system simpler to use and far more flexible than conventional 96-well formats. You can customize the configuration to different numbers of samples. This product is...

  • Bond Elut 96-Round-Well Plate

    Agilent Technologies

    Bond Elut 96 round-well plates enable straightforward, rapid conversion from cartridge-based methods to the automation-friendly 96-well format. 96 round-well plates are available in various silica-based and polymeric sorbents. These plates are well suited to smaller sample volumes. Bond Elut 96 well...

  • Bond Elut 96-Round-Well Plate

    Agilent Technologies

    Bond Elut 96 round-well plates enable straightforward, rapid conversion from cartridge-based methods to the automation-friendly 96-well format. 96 round-well plates are available in various silica-based and polymeric sorbents. These plates are well suited to smaller sample volumes. Bond Elut 96 well...

  • Bond Elut 96-Square-Well Plate

    Agilent Technologies

    Bond Elut 96 square-well plates facilitate transfer from cartridge-based methods to 96-well plate automated formats. The 2 mL wells accommodate the larger processing volumes from older methods, easing method transfer and revalidation. When larger samples or wash volumes are required, the 2 mL well...

  • Bond Elut 96-Round-Well Plate

    Agilent Technologies

    Bond Elut 96 round-well plates enable straightforward, rapid conversion from cartridge-based methods to the automation-friendly 96-well format. 96 round-well plates are available in various silica-based and polymeric sorbents. These plates are well suited to smaller sample volumes. Bond Elut 96 well...

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