Chemicals RNA Isolation & Purification

Chemicals RNA Isolation & Purification

Products (81)

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  • EZ-10 Spin Column Plasmid DNA Mini-Preps Kits

    EZ-10 Spin Column Plasmid DNA Miniprep Kit: The EZ-10 Spin Column Kits provide a simple and efficient method for purification of plasmid DNA, extraction of DNA from agarose gels, and purification of DNA from enzymatic reactions such as PCR or restriction enzyme digestions. The DNA is selectively...

  • RNA Pre-Wash Buffer

    Zymo Research Corporation

    RNA Pre-Wash Buffer

  • RNA Wash Buffer

    Zymo Research Corporation

    RNA Wash Buffer


    Meridian (Bioline)

    Highly efficient purification of total RNA by combining the stringency of guanidinium thiocyanate lysis with the speed and purity of silica-membrane column purification. Product Highlights Fast – simple extraction of high purity total RNA from six samples, ideal for use in all applications, in...

  • RNA Kit (15NT), 500

    Agilent Genomics

    Specifications:- Assay Sensitivity: Standard. Detection Limit: 5 ng/uL . Guaranteed Shelf Life: Minimum 4 months. Qualitative Range: 5-500 ng/uL. Quantitative Accuracy: +/- 20 %. Quantitative Precision: 10 % CV. Quantitative Range: 25-500 ng/uL. Sample Volume: 2 uL. Sizing Accuracy: +/- 5 %. Sizing...

  • Quick-cfRNA™ Serum and Plasma Kit

    Zymo Research Corporation

    The Quick-cfRNA™ Serum & Plasma enables simple, reliable, and efficient preparation of high-quality circulating cell-free RNA (including protein-bound, exosomal, miRNA and other small RNAs) from serum, plasma and other biological fluids. Zymo-Spin™ technology allows for ultra-pure...

  • RNA Separation Gel, 240mL

    Specifications:- Assay Type: RNA. Guaranteed Shelf Life: 4 months. Kits Used In: RNA Kit (15 nt);HS RNA Kit (15 nt). Storage Temperature: 2-8 C. Volume: 240 mL. This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers. For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

  • RNase A

    Zymo Research Corporation

    Pancreatic RNase A specifically cleaves at the 3'-side of pyrimidine (uracil or cytosine) phosphate bonds. The enzyme does not hydrolyze DNA, because DNA lacks 2'-OH groups essential for the formation of cyclic intermediates. The enzyme can also be used to hydrolyze RNA from protein samples....

  • EXTRAClean Plasma/Serum Exosome and Free-Circulating RNA Isolation Kits

    The purified exosomal RNA is free from any circulating RNA-binding proteins. No phenol extractions, Proteinase K treatment, nor carrier RNA. No time-consuming ultracentrifugation, filtration nor special syringes are required. Concentrate isolated RNA into a flexible elution volume ranging from 50 µL...

  • DNase I

    IBI Scientific

    The RNase-Free DNase I set ensures complete DNA removal from RNA extracted using IBI’s RNA extraction kits for use in DNA sensitive downstream applications. This is an optional treatment as IBI’s spin column technology yields RNA with the majority of DNA removed. Without using DNase...

  • RNA Digestion Buffer

    Zymo Research Corporation

    RNA Digestion Buffer (1.2mL)

  • FP US RNA Diluent Marker, 3mL

    Specifications:- Guaranteed Shelf Life: 6 months. Kits Used In: Ultra Sensitivity RNA Kit. Light Sensitivity: Yes. Marker Size: 15 nt. Number of Vials: 1. Storage Temperature: -20 C. Suitable For: RNA;FFPE RNA;Messenger RNA;Small RNA;Ribodepleted RNA. Volume: 3 mL. This product is only available to...

  • EZ-10 Spin Column Animal Total RNA Mini-Preps Kits

    EZ-10 Spin Column Animal Total RNA Miniprep Kit: EZ-10 Column Animal total RNA Purificaon Kit provides a simple spin column technique for preparaon of high quality, high-purity intact total RNA. The reagent contains disrupve and protecve properes of guanidine isothiocyanate and...

  • HS Small Fragment Diluent Marker, 2.4 mL

    Specifications:- Assay Type: Small Fragment. Guaranteed Shelf Life: 4 months. Kits Used In: HS Small Fragment Kit. Light Sensitivity: No. Marker Size: 1 & 1500 bp. Number of Vials: 1. Storage Temperature: -20 C. Suitable For: Small Fragments. Volume: 2.4 mL. This product is only available to U.S....

  • rYEAST Mini Total RNA Kit

    The IBI rYEAST Mini Total RNA kits have been specifically designed and optimized for purifying Total RNA from yeast and a variety of other fungi. The entire rYEAST procedure can be completed in approximately 70 minutes, and the purified RNA is ready for use in RT-PCR, Nothern Blotting, Primer...

  • Plant RNA Miniprep Kit

    EZ-10 Spin Column Plant RNA Miniprep Kit: Polysaccharides and polyphenols are components of plants, It is very difficult to remove after form insoluble compounds closely combining with RNA. EZ Spin Column Plant total RNA Purification Kit is applicable to all kinds of plant samples RNA rapid...

  • RNA Lysis Buffer

    Zymo Research Corporation

    RNA Lysis Buffer

  • Small RNA Ladder, 60uL

    Agilent Genomics

    Specifications:- Assay Type: Small RNA. Concentration: 4 ng/uL. Guaranteed Shelf Life: 4 months. Kits Used In: Small RNA Kit. Sizing Range: 15-200 nt. Storage Temperature: - 70 C. Volume: 60 uL. This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers. For research use only, not to be used in...

  • RNA Separation Gel, 500mL

    Specifications:- Assay Type: RNA. Guaranteed Shelf Life: 4 months. Kits Used In: RNA Kit (15 nt);HS RNA Kit (15 nt). Storage Temperature: 2-8 C. Volume: 500 mL. This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers. For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

  • ISOLATE II RNA Micro Kits

    Meridian (Bioline)

    Highly efficient purification of total RNA from very small samples using an innovative silica-membrane column designed to elute in very small volumes, resulting in high RNA concentrations. Product Highlights Fast – simple extraction of high purity total RNA from twelve samples, ideal for use...

  • Agilent RNA 6000 Nano Kit

    Specifications:- Analysis Time: 30 min. Assay Type: RNA 6000 Nano. Guaranteed Shelf Life: Minimum 4 months at 4 C. Maximum Buffer Concentration in Sample: 100 mM Tris;0.1 mM EDTA;or 125 mM NaCl;or 15 mM MgCl2. Qualitative Range: 5-500 ng/uL. Quality Score of Sample: RIN. Quantitative Accuracy: 20 %....

  • RNA Isolation from swabs

    XpressRNA Viral Kit provides a magnetic nanoparticle based extraction method for rapid RNA purification from nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs with consistent yield. Validated for extraction of RNA for downstream processing including RT-PCR/Q-PCR and conventional PCR. Easy 25 minute...

  • EZ-10 Spin Column Plasmid DNA Mini-Preps Kits, Low Copy Plasmid

    EZ-10 Spin Column Plasmid DNA Miniprep Kit, Low Copy Plasmid: The EZ-10 Spin Column Kits provide a simple and efficient method for purification of plasmid DNA, extraction of DNA from agarose gels, and purification of DNA from enzymatic reactions such as PCR or restriction enzyme digestions. The DNA...

  • ISOLATE II RNA Plant Kit

    Meridian (Bioline)

    Highly efficient purification of total RNA by combining the stringency of either guanidinium thiocyanate or guanidinium hydrochloride with the speed and purity of silica-membrane column purification. Product Highlights RNA was isolated from 20 mg freeze-dried budding leaves of A. thaliana using...

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