Protein Purification Empty Columns

Protein Purification Empty Columns

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  • 5mL Empty Disposable Columns

    The 5ml empty, plastic, disposable columns have an internal volume of 6.5ml and is designed for small scale gravity flow purifications. The resin bed volume is 2.5ml. Supplied with caps and stoppers. Features Total Volume: 6.5ml Resin Volume: 2.5ml Reservoir Volume: 4ml Closure: Plastic...

  • 20mL Empty Disposable Columns

    Our 20mL empty, plastic, disposable columns, designed for small scale gravity flow purifications, have an internal volume of 32mL and a resin bed volume of 20mL.  The columns are supplied with screw caps and stoppers. Features Total Volume: 32mL Resin Volume: 20mL Reservoir Volume: 12mL...

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