Metal Technology

Metal Technology

Products (6)

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  • Straight Wall Nickel Crucibles

    Nickel forms an adherent oxide film that provides its corrosion resistance up to temperatures around 600°C. It's highly resistant to alkalis and most acids, however, it is attacked by oxidizing acids like nitric and by salt solutions containing oxidizing species.

  • Low Form Zirconium Crucibles

    Zirconium is our most effective crucible material for fusions using sodium carbonate or sodium peroxide. It is an excellent low-cost replacement for platinum.

  • Straight Wall Inconel Crucibles

    Inconel® alloy 601 has excellent resistance to oxidation in the 1000° to 1200°C temperature range and also has good corrosion resistance to many acid and aqueous salt solutions.

  • Low Form Inconel Crucibles

    Inconel® alloy 601 has excellent resistance to oxidation in the 1000° to 1200°C temperature range and also has good corrosion resistance to many acid and aqueous salt solutions.

  • Straight Wall Zirconium Crucibles

    Zirconium is our most effective crucible material for fusions using sodium carbonate or sodium peroxide. It is an excellent low-cost replacement for platinum.

  • Low Form Nickel Crucibles

    Nickel forms an adherent oxide film that provides its corrosion resistance up to temperatures around 600°C. It's highly resistant to alkalis and most acids, however, it is attacked by oxidizing acids like nitric and by salt solutions containing oxidizing species.

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