Innovative Laboratory Products

Innovative Laboratory Products

Products (81)

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  • 96 Well Plates, Round Bottom with "V", for Automation

    Our 2.2mL 96-well plate is ideal for magnetic bead-based nucleic acid and protein affinity purification performed on automated separation systems.  The unique square top with round bottom design allows for optimum mixing and enhanced recovery of magnetic beads.  Wells also have a conical...

  • 96 Well Elution Plates

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    Our 200ul 96-well elution plate is ideal for magnetic bead-based nucleic acid and protein affinity purification performed on automated separation systems.  The unique square top with round bottom design allows for optimum mixing and enhanced recovery of magnetic beads.  Wells also have a...

  • Storage and Collection Plates, 96 Square Well

    The 1.2mL half-height 96-square well plate helps maximize limited storage space when volumes are 1mL or less.   Our 96-well 2.2mL volume per well plate is ideal for storage and sample collection. Raised rims on each well make for easy and secure sealing with adhesive films, silicone mats, or...

  • Flat Bottom Assay Plate

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    Comes in standard 8x12 configuration, molded in alpha-numeric position markings Each well offers a working volume of 200ul Uniform wall thickness Rigid automation friendly design compatible with stackers, grippers, heater/cooler blocks ANSI/SLAS 2004-1 (SBS) compliant footprint Assay plates are...

  • Sealing Film, Clear Zone-96 well PP, Adhesive, 3.1 mil

    50 Film pack 10 pack per case 500 in case

  • Silicone Mats & Plugs for ABI 3100

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    For use on the ABI 3100.

  • 96 Well PCR Plate, No Skirt

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    Low profile, 96-well 0.1mL PCR plate with no skirt.  This universal plate design is compatible with all standard 0.1mL block thermal cyclers.  Plate is easily oriented with corner notches and molded in alpha numeric.  It is suitable for manual procedures but lacks gripping areas for...

  • 96 Well PCR Plate, with Barcode

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    23A00U188: Half skirt, 96-well 0.2mL standard profile PCR plate with barcode for use on Real Time PCR (qPCR) systems. The half skirt design increases the resiliancy of this plate to withstand multiple cycles without warping. Side walls are large enough for automated grippers, labeling, and allows...

  • Indent Reservoir

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    23A00U194: Full volume 96-indent reservoir. Our 290mL single well reservoirs with 96 pyramid bottom indents, offer full volume in an automation friendly design. Sturdy and warp resistant, ultra-flat and rigid construction, with a stable base, this reservoir is ideal for manual or automated...

  • PCR Tubes

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    Individual tubes with attached flat caps achieve even and precise thermal transfer to maximize your yield.  Our standard profile, 0.2mL tubes with attached flat caps are precision molded for clarity and sample visualization.  Flat caps are frosted for writing or labeling. Molded as a...

  • 96 Round Well Plates

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    23A00U143: Our 7mm round well V-bottom plate combines optimized sample recovery with automation friendly design. Sturdy and warp resistant, with ultra-flat surfaces and rigid construction, this plate ideal for high throughput screening, sample collection, compound storage, screening, mixing, and...

  • Polystyrene Plate Lid, Notched

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    Polystyrene non-reversible lid has a notch at H1.  This lid is designed to work with ILP microplates and reduces the risk of reversing the lid and exposing your samples to cross contamination.

  • 10mL 24-Square Well Plate with Round U-Bottom

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    Our 10.0mL 24-well plate is ideal for growing bacterial protein cultures and for sample purification with magnetic beads utilizing manual and automated systems. The unique square top with round bottom design allows for optimum mixing and enhanced recovery of magnetic beads. Separated round well...

  • 2.2ul 96-well plt, Nat, sq Well, V-bot, Str (Exp. Del.)
  • 2400ul 384-well plt, Nat, sq Well, V-bot, Sterile
  • PCR Plates for ABI

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    This Raised rim, ABI "Fast Plate" style 96-well PCR plate is made using only ultra-clear, virgin, medical grade polypropylene.  Uniform thin-wall design allows for optimized heat transfer.   Available with: 1149L32: Use with most Advanced Biosystems (ABI) 0.1mL blocks* 1149L33:...

  • Clear-Zone Adhesive Sealing Film

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    23A00U199: Clear Zone adhesive free 96-well film Our 50µm thick clear polypropylene film has 96 adhesive free wells. Clear Polypropylene is laid over a white backing for high contrast and low cross talk. Using the two (2) end tabs and 96 circles for alignment makes it easy to quickly...

  • Strip Tube and Cap for Rotor-Gene

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    4-well strips of tube and cap for use with Rotor-Gene®, working volume: 100 μl Features Optically clear strips idel for qPCR ILP frosted cap plugs allow for perfect for labeling or writing. Designed for use on Qiagen/Corbett Rotor-Gene® instruments Individual tube volumes Overall Volume:...

  • Multi-Well Reservoir

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    23A00U190: Full volume 12-channel reservoir. Our 256mL multi-channel reservoirs with 12 (22mL) V-bottom channels, offer full volume in an automation friendly design. Sturdy and warp resistant, ultra-flat and rigid construction, with a stable base, this reservoir is ideal for manual or automated...

  • 24 Well Plates, V-Bottom, for Automation

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    Our 5.0mL 24-well plate is ideal for magnetic bead-based nucleic acid and protein affinity purification (of larger sample sizes, 5mL) performed on automated separation systems.  The unique square top with round bottom design allows for optimum mixing and enhanced recovery of magnetic...

  • Polypropylene Sealing Film for qPCR

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    The encapsulated silicone seal does not expose your sample to adhesive! These optically clear polyester films are ideally suited for Real Time PCR (qPCR). They feature an inert, ultra-clear, and strong encapsulated silicone adhesive that provides extraordinary performance in real-time PCR...

  • Assay Plates, V-Shaped Bottom

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    This low height plate is ideal for assay work, magnetic beads, and maximizing sample recovery. The unique open bottom design offers more area for magnetic beads, while larger diameter wells improve sample access and mixing. Raised rims on each well make for easy and secure sealing with adhesive...

  • Single Channel Half Height Reservoirs

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    The individual “v” bottoms of this reservoir reduce reagent waste by minimizing dead space.  This reservoir is designed to take a range of liquid handling configurations from 8 or 12 channel pipettes through to 96 or 384 pipette heads.  Overall volume is 165mL. Our sturdy and...

  • 96 Round Well U-Bottom Plate

    Innovative Laboratory Products

    This 7mm round well U-bottom plate combines optimized mixing and storage with automation friendly design.  Sturdy and warp resistant, with ultra-flat surfaces and rigid construction, this plate ideal for high throughput screening, sample collection, compound storage, screening, mixing, and...

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