

Products (5)

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  • OD600 DiluPhotometer™

    The new Implen OD600® device – a cutting-edge solution designed to streamline and enhance your laboratory measurements. Featuring two built-in programs, OD600 and McFarland, along with a samplelist-function for easy data management and export, this device offers unparalleled accuracy and...

  • Field Kit for NanoPhotometer®

    The NanoPhotometer® can now be made even more mobile with the field kit case with custom built-in compartments for samples, pipette, tips, kim-wipes. The convenient NanoPhotometer® roller case is specially designed to fit into the overhead bins on most major airlines and is the ultimate in...

  • C40 NanoPhotometer®

    Cuvette Spectroscopy Standard and Microvolume cuvettes (quartz, glass and plastic) Battery powered Temperature Controlled Cuvette Holder Maintenance FREE Cuvette Holder with Temperature Control Designed for open measurements: don’t lose time with closing a lid for each reading. Ideal for all...

  • Standard Solution for the NanoPhotometer®

    The Standard Solution is used to verify the absorbance accuracy of the NanoPhotometer® NP80/N60/N50 NanoVolume options.

  • N50 NanoPhotometer®

    Microvolume Spectroscopy • Perfected for Educational Purposes – budget friendly • Only 1µL of sample volume, no consumables needed • Stand-alone operation • No maintenance or recalibration needed MicroVolume Best in class microvolume spectroscopy with the convenience...

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