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Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. End-capped to minimize polar interactions. Recommended for strong non-polar analyte extractions. EPA Methods 506,508.1,525.2, 550.1,608,1613B, etc.
CDS Empore 6093 StageTips SDB-XC (styrenedivinyl benzene) polymer sorbent Solid phase extraction micropipette tips 2-layers for increased capacity. Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. Recommended for desalting of large peptides and proteins and peptide fractionation at acidic...
One-Piece (C18 bonded silica, bead and depth filter) design eliminates additional prefilter and filter aids. Provide up to 90% solvent reduction, excellent processing speed (fast flow rates), and contamination-free extractions with accurate and reproducible results. EPA Method 1664.
Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. End-capped to minimize polar interactions. Recommended for moderate non-polar analyte extractions. EPA 559.1
pH range 1-14. Polymer-based Strong Anion exchange for extacting negative charged ions. EPA Methods 548.1, 552.1, Carboxylic acid metabolites, Removal of humic and fulvic acid interferences from water samples, etc.
The carbon surface includes positive and negative charges. Extraction of highly polar compounds, such as N-nitrosodimethylamine,oxamyl and methamidophos, and volatile compounds such as trihalomethanes.
pH range 1-14. Reversed phase, pi-pi and cation exchange interactions. Analytes: reversed phase, aromatic, and positively charged species. Drugs/Pesticides and metabolites.
Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. Recommended for extractions of positively charged ions
Use as a filtration aid when extracting samples with a high particulate content using Empore disks. Approximately 40grams to cover a 90 mm disk 1cm deep. Approximately 15grams to cover a 47mm disk 1cm deep.
Good to remove visible particulates (>10um) from samples in the 96-well plate format (>98% removal), while maintaining excellent flow characteristics.
CDS Empore 6095 StageTips anion exchange (SAX) polymer sorbent Solid phase extraction micropipette tips 2-layers for increased capacity. Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. Recommended for peptide fractionation at acidic neutral and basic pH conditions.
Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. Recommended for extractions of moderately polar to non-polar analytes.
Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. Reverse phase with cation exchange. Recommended for moderately polar to non-polar analyte extractions.
Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. End-capped to minimize polar interactions. Recommended for strong non-polar analyte extractions.
pH range 1-14. Extacting postive charged ions. Extraction and recovery of primary, secondary and some tertiary amines as well as most metal cations from aqueous solutions. Not for quarternary amines.
Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. End-capped to minimize polar interactions. Recommended for non-polar analyte extractions.
CDS Empore 6096 StageTips cation exchange (SCX) polymer sorbent Solid phase extraction micropipette tips 2-layers for increased capacity. Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. Recommended for peptide fractionation at acidic neutral and basic pH conditions.
CDS Empore 6098 StageTips with C18/SCX/C18 layers C18 and cation exchange (SCX) Solid phase extraction micropipette tips. Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. Recommended for desalting of large peptides and proteins and peptide fractionation at acidic neutral and basic pH...
Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. Recommended for extractions of negatively charged ions.
CDS Empore 3293 Cesium 47mm RAD Extraction Disk. Used for the extraction of Cs-137 from environmental water samples. Provide an efficient alternative to convential radiochemical sample preparation methods that use wet chemistry or packed columns. Molecular recognition technology. Reduces turnaround...
Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. Recommended for strong to modest non-polar analyte extractions.
Combine good retention capacity with high recoveries. Recommended for moderately polar to non-polar analyte extractions.
pH range 1-14. For extraction of Divalent metals and other divalent cations. Relative selectivity: Pb>Cu>Cd>Co>Fe>Ca>Sr. Capacity is relatively high, dependent on pH and other ions.