Azure Biosystems

Azure Biosystems

Products (41)

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  • Azure Chemi Blot Blocking Buffer

    Blocking solution for chemiluminescent Western blot, 1x; 500 ml

  • Blot Development Folder

    Azure Biosystems

    Transparent plastic sheets to hold Western blots for imaging – alternative to plastic wraps; 100 pcs

  • Azure Transfer Buffer

    Azure Biosystems

    Transfer buffer (50x concentrated solution) sufficient for 50-100 blots; 500 ml

  • HRP Stripping Buffer

    Azure Biosystems

    Uniformly removes antibodies from developed HRP Western blots so the blot can be reprobed with another set of antibodies; 500 ml

  • Azure Aqua

    Azure Biosystems

    Azure Aqua Quad Mini-Cell with 1mm Gel Plate Set The 4-gel cell includes 5 1mm gel combs (10 and 15 well), 5 spacer plates, 10 short glass plates, 4 casting stands, 4 casting frames, 5 gel shovels, electrode assembly, tank, lid with power cables, and mini cell buffer dam – compatible with mini...

  • Nitrocellulose Transfer Membrane 0.22um (8x10)

    Pre-cut membrane (8x10 cm mini vertical gels, ideal for smaller proteins); 10 sheets

  • HRP Conjugated Secondary Antibody

    HRP conjugated secondary antibody for chemiluminescent Western blot

  • Low Fluorescence Western Membrane (LF PVDF) 0.45 um (13x18)

    Pre-cut LF PVDF membrane (13x18 cm vertical gels); 10 sheets

  • Azure Protein-Free Blot Blocking Buffer

    Protein-free blocking solution for Western blot, 5x concentrate; 200 ml

  • AzureSpectra Labeling Kit –  for Western Blot – 550

    Kit for covalently labeling antibodies for Western blot with a fluorescent dye – includes labeling buffer, dye solution, quenching solution, neutralization buffer and two G-25 columns – each kit includes sufficient reagents to perform two labelings of 50 micrograms of antibody

  • Azure Fluorescent Blot Blocking Buffer

    Blocking solution for fluorescent Western blot, 1x; 500 ml

  • Azure ChemiWriter ECL

    Azure Biosystems

    Chemiluminescent marker that enables to write or draw on transfer membranes, resulting in a chemiluminescent signal on markings once substrate is added; 1 piece

  • Flash Western Chemiluminescence Kit – Mouse

    Kit includes all reagents necessary for performing ten (10) chemiluminescent Western blots using the Flash Western protocol – includes LF PVDF membranes, Azure Blocking Buffer, Flash anti-mouse HRP Conjugate, Flash Wash Buffer and Radiance ECL substrate

  • Nitrocellulose Transfer Membrane 0.45um (8x10)

    Pre-cut membrane (8x10 cm mini vertical gels, ideal for larger proteins); 10 sheets

  • AzureSpectra RG rb650/ms550 Western Kit, with Fluorescent Block

    Kit contains materials for 10 Western blots – LF PVDF membranes, wash buffer, fluorescent blocking buffer, secondary antibodies AzureSpectra rb650/ms550

  • Radiance Q

    Azure Biosystems

    Quantitative HRP substrate for CCD (150 ml kit); contains substrate for 1,500 cm2 membrane

  • AzurePonceau Stain

    Azure Biosystems

    Visible reversible total protein stain for proteins transferred to membrane – sufficient for staining 50 blots 9x7 cm; 500 ml

  • Blotting Paper for Western Blot

    Blotting Paper for Western Blot (7x9) Pre-cut blotting paper for Western blot transfer (7x9 cm vertical gels); 60 sheets Blotting Paper for Western Blot (8x10) Pre-cut blotting paper for Western blot transfer (8x10 cm vertical gels); 60 sheets

  • AzureSpectra RG rb650/ms550 Western Kit, with Protein-Free Block

    Kit contains materials for 10 Western blots – LF PVDF membranes, wash buffer, protein-free blocking buffer, secondary antibodies AzureSpectra rb650/ms550

  • AzureSpectra IR ms700/rb800 Western Kit, with Protein-Free Block

    Kit contains materials for 10 Western blots – LF PVDF membranes, wash buffer, protein-free blocking buffer, secondary antibodies AzureSpectra ms700/rb800

  • 96-well Real-Time PCR instrument with touchscreen interface, 3 dye channel filters

    Sample capacity (wells) 96 Reaction volume 10–150µL Excitation source LED Detection channels 3 Multiplexing Up to 3 targets Thermal element Peltier Max block ramp rate 6°C/sec Avg. sample ramp rate 4°C/sec Temperature uniformity ±0.2°C Temperature accuracy...

  • AzureSpectra IR ms700/rb800 Western Kit, with Fluorescent Block

    Kit contains materials for 10 Western blots – LF PVDF membranes, wash buffer, fluorescent blocking buffer, secondary antibodies AzureSpectra ms700/rb800

  • Azure Fluorescent Blot Washing Buffer

    Western blot washing solution for use with fluorescent secondary antibodies, 10x concentrate; 500 ml

  • Azure Ao Microplate Reader

    Azure Ao Absorbance Microplate Reader; the standalone system has a wavelength range of 340-750 nm, includes shaker, touchscreen interface and 5 standard filters (405, 450, 492, 595, 630 nm) and 3 selected filters (from filter catalogue)

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