For use in waste water treatment plants to perform the settlometer test
- Determine the settled sludge volume (SSV) and the centrifuge test to determine volumetrically the aeration tank mixed liquor concentration (ATC) as well as other concentrations
These SSV and ATC values are then used to calculate settled sludge concentration, indicating the sludge quality. See APHA "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" 14th Ed. (1975), Method 213, p. 126. Kit includes 2-liter, transparent polycarbonate jar, polycarbonate cover, polypropylene stirring paddle, ten 15 mL polycarbonate conical bottom centrifuge tubes and sample data sheet. Kit components are chemically resistant to sludge samples in range pH 3 to 10. Jar is approximately 130 mm o.d. x 190 mm high and is graduated from 50 to 1000 cc/L in 10 cc/L intervals. Paddle is 121 x 254 x 3 mm thick. Centrifuge tubes are graduated from 0 to 15 mL in 0.1 mL intervals; overall dimensions: 17 mm o.d. x 119 mm long. Tubes withstand forces of up to 6000x gravity. For replacement centrifuge tubes, see Thomas number 2610K11.