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Self-Starting Micro Torch Burner

100 out of 100

Small, portable, lightweight unit with built-in piezoelectric crystal for ignition

  • Operates on butane gas
  • Maximum flame temperature 1,300°C (2,400°F)
  • Flame lasts up to two hours on a full charge of butane; reservoir capacity 26 grams
  • Flame adjusted by means of needle valve and gas flow control valve
  • Activator button is pushed to produce ignition spark

Overall dimensions are 3 3/8” x 1 7/8” x 5 5/8”; weight 7 1/2 oz. Includes removable base which converts burner to free-standing unit; can be refilled by any multiple-head butane gas lighter refill container.

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Micro Torch Burner
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Butane Refill
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Product is restricted and can only be purchased by customers with a web profile linked to a Thomas Business Account - Click here to login or create your web profile. If you do not have a Thomas Business Account, please Contact Us and someone will respond with details on how to apply for a business account with us.

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  • Reviewed on Monday, February 27, 2017

    100 out of 100

    I have one of these torches and there great for small hobbies and lighting the burn barrel on windy days lol but I make jewelry and I use it to weld small items I just wish they were a little more affordable but they are dependable that I can say! Mine just stoped working the better fuel u use the longer they last I have had three of them