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Ribonuclease A

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Molecular Biology Grade Ribonuclease A is essentially free of DNase and protease activities. Suitable for use in removing RNA and DNA in nucleic acid applications and where other enzymes are used or intact proteins need to be recovered. Chromatographically purified and supplied as a lyophilized powder.

Activity: ≥2,500 units/mg (dry weight)

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Thomas No.
Mfr. No.
Ribonuclease A, 100mg
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Thomas No.
Mfr. No.
Ribonuclease A, 250mg
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Thomas No.
Mfr. No.
Ribonuclease A, 1g
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$0.00 (0 Items)
Product is restricted and can only be purchased by customers with a web profile linked to a Thomas Business Account - Click here to login or create your web profile. If you do not have a Thomas Business Account, please Contact Us and someone will respond with details on how to apply for a business account with us.

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