Have you ever run out of columns that come with your favorite nucleic acid extraction kit but still had a lot of left-over buffer reagents remaining? Instead of buying a new expensive kit you can use PuroSPIN™ columns with the left-over buffers as a cost-effective alternative. Simply use PuroSPIN™ columns while following the manufacturer-specific protocols. - PuroSPIN™ NANO silica spin columns bind both DNA and RNA - Low 6 µL elution volume - maximizes concentration of purified product - 5 µg nucleic acid binding capacity - Compatible as cost-effective replacement columns for nucleic acid extraction kits from Qiagen, ThermoFisher, Bio-Rad, Promega and other manufacturers - Extraction of DNA and RNA from bacteria, viruses, yeast, cultured cells, blood, urine, buccal swabs, animal tissue Each item includes both the spin column and a 2 mL sample collection tube