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IBI Scientific

Proteinase K Solution

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IBI’s Proteinase K Solution is a stable 20mg/ml highly active proteolytic enzyme that is purified from the mold Tritirachium album. The enzyme has two binding sites for Ca++, which lie some distance from the active site and is not directly involved in the catalytic mechanism. The high activity of the enzyme solution (0.6 U/μl) means that you can keep the reaction volumes low, as low as 200 mg/mL. It also means that you can expect more complete digestion of your samples.

Store at +4°C.

Tris: 10 mM

Calcium Chloride: 1 mM

Glycerol: 30%

pH: Adjusted to 8.0 with HCl

Molecular Biology Specifications

DNase Assay (Endo and Exo): None Detected

RNase Assay: None Detected

Protease Activity on Gel Substrate: Pass

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Thomas No.
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Also known as: RGI-5406
Proteinase K Solution, 5mL
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$0.00 (0 Items)

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