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Benchmark Scientific

Benchmark Scientific Mini Centrifuge

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These mini-centrifuges are ideal for quick spin down of micro sample sizes. With a clear lid and electronic safety cut-off, samples can be safely observed at all times. The centrifuge quickly accelerates to maximum speed (6,600 rpm / 2,200 rcf) and stops within seconds while the motor mounting system provides quiet, vibration-free operation.

All centrifuges include a round rotor with capacity for six standard microtubes (1.5ml to 2.0ml) as well as a strip tube rotor for 2 x 8 PCR strips or sixteen individual 0.2ml tubes. Additional adapters are also included for 0.4-0.5ml tubes. Rotors can be easily interchanged within a matter of seconds.

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Thomas No.
Mfr. No.
Also known as: C1201-E
Mini-Centrifuge Blue w/2 Rotors 120V
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