Designed for incubations of microscope slides without drying artifact
- Micro array hybridization
- In-situ hybridization
- Immunohistochemistry application
- Two-year warranty
The “InSlide Out” has a sealed chamber which permits easy hybridizations and single slide temperature incubation procedures without sealed cover slips. Reduce preparation time for your applications - no need to seal slides with rubber cement or nail polish - and eliminate potential harmful fumes.
Humidity is maintained by adding small amounts of hybridization solution to the gasketed tray, preventing slides from drying out during overnight incubation. The unit is supplied with a PID temperature controller for rapid heat-up and temperature stability and has a temperature range of ambient +5°C to 75°C.
Comes with a stainless steel slide rack for up to 20-1” x 3” slides and will also accommodate various other sizes. Accessories include a plastic slide holder for up to 18-1” x 3” slides only.