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HxSil C18 Reversed-Phase Columns

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HxSil C18 Reversed-Phase Columns

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Hamilton HxSil C8 and C18 columns exhibit greater retention than most columns. This allows the separation of compounds that are not sufficiently retained on other C8 or C18 columns.

Protect Your Investment - Hamilton guard columns protect analytical, semi-prep and preparative HPLC columns. They also remove particulate contaminants and highly adsorptive compounds from samples, prolonging column life. The designs are modular and cartridge replacement is easy and tool-free.  Cartridge holders for analytical columns are available in stainless steel and PEEK materials. Semi-prep/preparative holders are available only in stainless steel. The design of the cartridge holders is optimized to reduce dead volume and prevent extra column band broadening. Cartridge holders are reusable indefinitely.

Bulk ResinThomas No. 1177F61Thomas No. 1177F62Thomas No. 1177F63
Stationary PhaseHxSil C18HxSil C18HxSil C18
USP ClassificationUSP L1USP L1USP L1
Particle Size3 µm5 µm10 µm
Pore Size100 Å100 Å100 Å
FormatBulk ResinBulk ResinBulk Resin
Max. Pressure5,000 psi5,000 psi5,000 psi
UOMper gramper gramper gram
RestorationRun a gradient of 100% water to 100% acetonitrile (Repeat three times)

Guard Columns
Thomas No. 1177F66
(Analytical Column)
Thomas No. 1177F64
(Semiprep/Preparative Guard Column)
Stationary PhaseHxSil C18HxSil C18
Packing Material TypeSilicaSilica
Particle Size10 µm10 µm
FormatGuard ColumnGuard Column
Hardware Inner Diameter2.1 mm4.6 mm
Hardware Length33 mm33 mm
Guard Column SizeAnalyticalSemiprep/Preparative
Hardware MaterialStainless SteelStainless Steel
Max. Pressure5,000 psi5,000 psi
Compound ClassificationPeptides/ProteinsPeptides/Proteins
UOM1 each1 each

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Thomas No.
Mfr. No.
HxSil, C18, 10 _m Bulk Resin
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Thomas No.
Mfr. No.
Col HxSil C18 3um 2.1X50mm
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