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Thermo Scientific

HOT POCKET Column Heaters, COOL POCKET Chiller and Eluent Preheater/Precooler

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Thermo Scientific™ HOT POCKET Column Heaters, Eluent Preheater/Precooler and COOL POCKET Chiller offer column heating or cooling in a compact, efficient design.

  • Easy to install and use with a variety of column lengths up to 300mm (up to 150mm for short HOT POCKET model)
  • Dual display of both actual and set point temperatures
  • Soft, wrap-around sealing mantle fits directly onto the column

HOT POCKET Column Heaters

  • Temperature range: Just above ambient to 85°C
  • Temperature accuracy: ±2°C with ±0.1°C stability
  • 24VAC, 25w Max.

COOL POCKET Column Chiller

  • Temperature range: 5° to 55°C
  • Temperature accuracy: ±2°C with ±0.1°C stability
  • 15VDC, 20w Max.

Eluent Preheater/Precooler

  • For preheating or precooling Mobile Phase before it enters column
  • Use in temperatures above 50°C or below 15°C
  • 0.005in. I.D.

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Thomas No.
Mfr. No.
HOT POCKET Column Heater for columns up to 150mm long
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Thomas No.
Mfr. No.
HOT POCKET Column Heater for columns up to 300mm long
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$0.00 (0 Items)

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