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HOOK™ Activated Agarose (Amine Reactive)

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For the generation of peptide and protein affinity columns, for the purification of antibodies and for the discovery of important interacting proteins and cofactors. G-Biosciences offers activated agarose for the coupling of peptides and proteins to agarose through their primary amines.

The amine reactive HOOK Activated Agarose is 6% agarose that has been activated to generate reactive aldehyde groups. The aldehyde groups of the agarose react spontaneously with primary amines, located at the N-terminus of proteins or in lysine residues, to form intermediate Schiff Base complexes. These, in turn, are selectively reduced by reductive amination, using sodium cyanoborohydride to form stable amine linkages between the agarose and the ligand.


  • Binding capacity: 20mg protein/ml resin
  • 6% cross-linked agarose


  • Coupling of proteins and peptides to agarose beads
  • Suitable for antibody purification.
  • Discovery of new interacting proteins.

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HOOK™ Activated Agarose (Amine Reactive), 10mL Resin
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$0.00 (0 Items)
Product C753X30 is restricted and can only be purchased by customers with a web profile linked to a Thomas Business Account - Click here to login or create your web profile. If you do not have a Thomas Business Account, please Contact Us and someone will respond with details on how to apply for a business account with us.

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