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Hausser Scientific

Hausser Hy-Lite Hemacytometers

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  • Semi-transparent layer of rhodium, which is fused into the polished surface of the counting areas
  • Light transmission is controlled between 29 and 32%
  • Cover glasses, which are supported by four small, matte surfaces opposite the rulings
  • Slide, which is provided with chamber charging inclines and with polished concavity beneath the ruling
  • Condenser and iris diaphragm adjustment, which are less critical
  • Rulings, which are clearly visible within a wide range of illumination; with polished concavity beneath the rulings

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Thomas No.
Mfr. No.
Counting Chamber with two cover glasses
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Thomas No.
Mfr. No.
Counting Chamber only
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$0.00 (0 Items)

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