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FastPure™ Mini Spin Columns

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G-Biosciences’ FastPure™ Spin Columns (Mini and Midi) are designed for easy and efficient small scale protein purification. These versatile spin columns are made of biocompatible polypropylene and are compatible with all chromatography resins. They incorporate a specialized membrane that retains the sample and resin in the column and prevents leakage. When the column is centrifuged (Mini: 12-14,000 x g, Midi: 750 x g) the pores of the membrane dilate (0.1-0.2 µm) and allow the sample to be purified and collected for subsequent downstream analyses.  The spin columns conveniently fit in to common centrifuge tubes for easy washing and collection (Mini: 2 ml centrifuge tubes, Midi: 50 ml centrifuge tubes).


  • Sinter Type: Ultra High Density Polyethylene
  • Construction: Polypropylene
  • Pore Size: 0.1-0.2 µm low protein binding PVDF
  • Maximum Vol: 
    • Mini: 600 µl 
    • Midi: 20 ml 
  • Maximum g force: 
    • Mini: 12-14,000 x g 
    • Midi: 1,500 x g 
  • Typical Spin Times: 
    • Mini: 30 seconds – 1 minute for up to 0.6 ml sample at 12-14,000 x g
    • Midi: 5 min for up to 20 ml sample at 750 x g 

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Thomas No.
Mfr. No.
FastPure Mini Spin Column, 600 µl, 10 Columns
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Thomas No.
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$0.00 (0 Items)

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