Complete protection for your samples
CaptairBio PCR Workstations are designed to protect sensitive biological applications against both environmental pollution and cross-contamination. They feature a high efficiency filtration system that provides a particle-free workstation around the manipulation, bringing HEPA filtered clean air down to the work surface. High efficiency UV light are used to decontaminate the worktop from biological cross-contamination between two operations. The units will arrive completely knocked down and will require assembly.
Smart Technology™ – an exclusive set of tools that consists of Smart-Light Communication™, chemical sensors (optional if adding carbon filters), real-time status, and the eGuard app. Smart Technology gives you an easily identifiable method of communication regarding the sash being opened while the UV light is on, air face velocity is compromised: check sash, pre-filter, or HEPA/ULPA, and fan status via a soft, LED band of light called Smart-Light. Smart-Light is a light signature across the front panel which casts a stable LED glow ensuring proper operation. If normal operation is disrupted, the reassuring LED light pulses and sounds, drawing the attention of the operator only when necessary for the following:
2 beeps- Sash open with UV light on
3 beeps- Air Face Velocity is compromised; check sash, pre-filter, or HEPA/ULPA filter
4 beeps- Fan Failure
CaptairBio 320 PCR Workstation will feature internal LED and UV lights only, the system will not feature a HEPA filter or will require replacement HEPA filters. The unit will come equipped with the needed stainless steel work surface.
CaptairBio 321 and 391 PCR Workstation will come equipped with the needed quantity of GF4.HP filter, Pre-Filter M needed for first time use, and stainless steel work surface.
Future replacement filters can be found under Filters for Captair Ductless Filtering Fume Hoods, Powder Weighing Stations, AirFlow Laminar Flow Hoods, AirProtect PCR Workstations, and AirStore Ductless Filtering Storage Cabinets (834 & 1634), GF4.HP and Pre-Filter M