A wide range of consumables designed for accurate and reliable Kjeldahl analysis.
The addition of a suitable catalyst, along with high temperature, have influence on the speed and the efficiency of the mineralization in Kjeldahl analysis.
Achieving the highest level of performance in a wide range of Kjeldahl applications is now possible with VELP Scientifica genuine KjTabs™ catalyst and antifoaming tablets.
VELP Scientifica Weighing Boats are the perfect solution to all the difficult transfer operations of powders or syrupy samples into mineralization test tubes.
During the Kjeldahl distillation process, the ammonia content is condensed and collected in a boric acid solution to avoid loss of gaseous NH3. VELP unique Vreceiver™ is a certified formula composed of Boric Acid powder and a mixture of indicators mentioned by AOAC methods (Bromocresol green and Methyl red) allowing fast and standardized receiving solution preparation for colorimetric titration.
KjTabs™ for Digestion Units
- VELP catalyst tablets speed up the digestion
- Easy to use for all kind of Kjeldahl Digesters
- Wide choice of catalyst for the majority of samples
- Effective foam reduction tablets
- Environmentally friendly 7 different types of pre-dosed tablets
Nitrogen-Free Weighing Boats
- Simplify the insertion of the sample in the test tubes
- Designed to ensure accurate organic nitrogen determination
- Ensure no alteration of the results when digested with the sample