1231K19 - 35 mm with gentle clamps grip (included with small incubator)
1231K23 - 35 mm with gentle clamps grip (included with medium and dual chamber units)
1231K20 - 70 mm accessory carousel that holds two 70 mm ID x 300 mm long hybridization tubes
1231K24 - 70 mm accessory carousel that holds four 70 mm ID x 300 mm long hybridization tubes
Hybridization Bottles
1231K28 - 35 mm ID x 150 mm long bottles
1231K29 - 35 mm ID x 300 mm long bottles
1231K30 - 70 mm ID x 300 mm long bottles with cap and O-ring
1231K33 and K34 - Packs of 35 or 70 mm spare caps for bottles
Additional Accessories
Additional accessories include drip trays, under cabinet mounting bracket, a rocker assembly, 10 x 15 or 23 x 25 cm packs of nylon mesh and a stacking plate to stack medium units.