LGC, Biosearch Technologies PCR Reagents And Kits

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  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Each NxSeq Single Indexing Kit contains a Universal Adaptor and (12) different Primer Indexing Mixes with enough Universal Adaptor for 48 libraries and enough of each Primer Indexing Mix for 4 library amplification reactions (48 total reaction for all primer sets). Set A contains Primer Indexing…

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    RapiDxFire™ Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase is recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase from Thermus aquaticus bound to select blockers, which prevents unwanted, nonspecific amplification during reaction set up at temperatures less than 60 °C. Enzyme activity is restored after a short 15 second burst…

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Ampligase® Thermostable DNA Ligase catalyzes NAD-dependent ligation of adjacent 3´-hydroxylated and 5´-phosphorylated termini in duplex DNA structures that are stable at high temperatures

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    The MasterPure™ DNA Purification Kit for Blood Version II can be used to isolate exceptionally pure genomic DNA from whole blood or buffy coat.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Prepare unbiased fosmid libraries of approx. 40 kb that can be maintained at single-copy number and induced to high-copy number as needed when grown in the TransforMax EC300 E. coli.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Lucigen’s OverExpress Electrocompetent and Chemically Competent Cells are E. coli strains that are effective in expressing toxic proteins from all classes of organisms, including eubacteria, yeasts, plants, viruses, and mammals. The effectiveness of these new strains in expressing toxic proteins…

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    The LavaLAMP™ DNA Master Mix is intended to simplify development and optimization of DNA LAMP (loop-mediated isothermal amplification) reactions. LAMP kits are commonly available as multi-component kits that require optimization (e.g. MgSO4, betaine, enzyme as well as temperature, primer…

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    T4 DNA Ligase catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester bond between the terminal 5' phosphate and 3' hydroxyl groups of duplex DNA or RNA. The enzyme efficiently joins blunt and cohesive ends and repairs single stranded nicks in duplex DNA, RNA or DNA/RNA hybrids.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Ribonuclease R (RNase R) from E. coli is a magnesium-dependent 3´′→5´ exoribonuclease that digests essentially all linear RNAs but does not digest lariat or circular RNA structures.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Prepare unbiased fosmid libraries of approx. 40 kb that can be maintained at single-copy number and induced to high-copy number as needed when grown in the TransforMax EC300 E. coli.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    ClearColi® BL21(DE3) cells are the first commercially available competent cells with a modified LPS that does not trigger the endotoxic response in mammalian cells. ClearColi™ cells lack outer membrane agonists for hTLR4/MD-2 activation; therefore, activation of hTLR4/MD-2 signalling by…

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Perfect for antibody phage display or peptide phage display library creation. SS320 Electrocompetent Cells are a non-amber suppressor strain (sometimes called MC1061F') prepared as highly efficient (=4 × 10^10 cfu/µg) electrocompetent cells for phage display library screening. These cells have the…

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Perfect for antibody phage display or peptide phage display library creation. ER2738 Electrocompetent Cells are an amber suppressor strain (glnV) prepared as highly efficient (=2 × 10^10 cfu/µg) electrocompetent cells for phage display library screening. This strain is recommended for use with New…

  • AmpliScribe™ T7 High Yield Transcription Kits are specially formulated to produce >20-fold more full-length RNA transcript than conventional in vitro transcription reactions.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    RNAse Inhibitor is a potent inhibitor of ribonucleases such as RNase A, RNase B, and RNase C. The 52 kDa protein is a fusion of the porcine RNAse Inhibitor gene with a proprietary 22.5 kDa protein tag.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Lucigen’s E. cloni competent cells share the most useful genetic elements of standard cloning strains like DH5a™, DH10B™, JM109, TOP10, etc. and directly replace them in cloning protocols. However, E. cloni electrocompetent cells incorporate a unique manufacturing technology that…

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Hybridase™ Thermostable RNase H specifically degrades the RNA in a DNA:RNA hybrid, without affecting DNA or unhybridized RNA.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    The NxSeq AmpFREE Low DNA Library Kit and Adaptors are only compatible with Illumina sequencers. Each box of NxSeq Adaptors contains (12) different indexed Illumina-compatible adaptors with enough of each adapter for 4 library reactions. Box 1 contains adaptors 1-12 and Box 2 contains adapters 13-24.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    The LGC recovery medium is used in chemical laboratories and helps in the growth and fostering off competent cells thus allowing the highest possible transformation efficiency.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    The QuickExtract™ DNA Extraction Solution can be used to rapidly and efficiently extract PCR-ready genomic DNA from almost any sample type using a simple, one-tube protocol that takes only 3-8 minutes, depending on the sample.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    EconoTaq® PLUS GREEN & EconoTaq PLUS 2X Master Mixes offer Performance, Convenience, Reliability, and Value for Routine PCR. More effective than other Taq master mixes. EconoTaq PLUS and PLUS GREEN 2X Master Mixes contain a proprietary PCR enhancer, so they can successfully amplify…

  • One tube each of ATP, CTP, GTP and UTP at 100 mM. Each is provided as a sterile, neutral solution.

  • The HI-Control™ strains are based on E. cloni 10G ( DH10B) and BL21(DE3) strains. These strains harbor a plasmid bearing a constitutive lacI repressor gene, which provides tight control over promoters containing the lacO operator.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Lucigen’s E. cloni competent cells share the most useful genetic elements of standard cloning strains like DH5a™, DH10B™, JM109, TOP10, etc. and directly replace them in cloning protocols. However, E. cloni electrocompetent cells incorporate a unique manufacturing technology that…

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    The QuickExtract™ FFPE DNA Extraction Kit can be used for the isolation of DNA from FFPE samples for PCR-based analysis, e.g., microsatellite detection, SNP detection, tumor heterogeneity studies, copy number detection, methylation analysis, and Short Tandem Repeat (STR) analysis.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    This reagent is designed for use with the MasterPure™ kit protocols only.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Lucigen’s E. cloni competent cells share the most useful genetic elements of standard cloning strains like DH5a™, DH10B™, JM109, TOP10, etc. and directly replace them in cloning protocols. However, E. cloni electrocompetent cells incorporate a unique manufacturing technology that…

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    The DuraScribe® T7 Transcription Kit produces 2'-Fluorine-modified RNA transcripts—called DuraScript® RNA—that are completely resistant to RNase A. Ideal for SELEX RNA-aptamer selection procedures.

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    BAC-Optimized Replicator™ v2.0 Electrocompetent Cells (> 1 × 10^10 cfu/µg pKanR DNA). These cells are required for on-demand, copy number amplification of the pSMART® BAC or pEZ™ BAC vectors in the CopyRight® Kits, thereby increasing DNA yields. BAC-Optimized Replicator Cells…

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Bst DNA Polymerase, Exonuclease Minus, is a recombinant form of the 67 kDa Bacillus stearothermophilus DNA Polymerase protein (large fragment). The enzyme has 5’-3’ polymerase activity and strand displacement activity, but it lacks 3’-5’ exonuclease activity. It also has reverse transcription…

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    Lucigen’s OverExpress Electrocompetent and Chemically Competent Cells are E. coli strains that are effective in expressing toxic proteins from all classes of organisms, including eubacteria, yeasts, plants, viruses, and mammals. The effectiveness of these new strains in expressing toxic proteins…

  • LGC, Biosearch Technologies

    The MMLV High Performance Reverse Transcriptase produces full-length first-strand cDNA from total RNA preparations or purified poly(A+) RNA.

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