Protein, Bottle, Glass, Amber, 1 g

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  • Protamine sulfate is a purified mixture of simple protein principles obtained from the sperm or testes of suitable species of fish, which has the property of neutralizing heparin. Because of having much basic amino acids (mostly arginine) protamine contains far greater nitrogen than other proteins.…

  • Fetuin is a protein containing 12 Cys residues, all involved in disulfide bridges. The composition of bovine fetuin (weight %) is polypeptide 74%, hexose 8.3%, hexosamines 5.5%, and sialic acid 8.7%. Fetuin bovine is a protein with the ability to bind to the insulin receptor and inhibit insulin…

  • Intrinsic factor is a glucoprotein extracted from the pylorus part of the gastric mucous membrane. Its presence is considered necessary for the absorption of Vitamin B-12. Intrinsic Factor is used in the treatment not only of classical pernicious anaemia, but also in the treatment of other…

  • MP Biomedicals

    Fibrinogen has been used in studies of haemostatic therapy in surgical and massive trauma patients. These studies have shown that fibrinogen may prove to be more superior in stopping blood loss when compared to using fresh frozen plasma (FFP). Fibrinogen is a blood protein that is involved in…

  • Fibrinogen is a blood protein that is involved in clotting and is converted to fibrin by thrombin. Fibrinogen has an approximate molecular weight of 340 kDa. It consists of three non-identical pairs of disulfidebonded chains. The a-chain has an approximate molecular weight of 63.5 kDa, the b-chain…

  • MP Biomedicals

    Glutathione disulfide (GSSG) is the oxidised dimeric form of glutathione (GSH), which is a naturally occuring tripeptide that takes part in the bodies detoxification mechanisms and protects against oxidative damage. Glutathione Oxidized acts as hydrogen acceptor in enzymic determination of NADP and…

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