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  • Meteoric Core products feature ultra fast separation and outstanding resolution, excellent peak shape on basic and coordination compounds, a wide usable pH range, and a low column bleed.

  • NUCLEODUR® is a fully synthetical type B silica (silica of 3rd generation) offering highly advanced physical properties: Totally spherical particle shape Outstanding surface microstructure High pressure stability Low metal content NUCLEODUR® as a state-of-the-art silica…

  • NUCLEODUR® is a fully synthetical type B silica (silica of 3rd generation) offering highly advanced physical properties: Totally spherical particle shape Outstanding surface microstructure High pressure stability Low metal content NUCLEODUR® as a state-of-the-art silica…

  • NUCLEODUR® is a fully synthetical type B silica (silica of 3rd generation) offering highly advanced physical properties: Totally spherical particle shape Outstanding surface microstructure High pressure stability Low metal content NUCLEODUR® as a state-of-the-art silica…

  • NUCLEODUR® is a fully synthetical type B silica (silica of 3rd generation) offering highly advanced physical properties: Totally spherical particle shape Outstanding surface microstructure High pressure stability Low metal content NUCLEODUR® as a state-of-the-art silica…

  • NUCLEOSIL® is a family of totally porous spherical silicas with a very pure and uniform SiO2 structure Wide acceptance as routine packings for very different fields of chromatography One of the first spherical silicas used in HPLC Developed in the early seventies, it became a…

  • Purospher® STAR RP-18 endcapped is the best choice for HPLC separation of basic, neutral, metal chelating samples or indeed any other format. Its outstanding performance and stability, allows a maximum flexibility in method development. Robust methods can be developed across the entire pH…

  • RESOLVOSIL BSA-7 Silica-based protein phase for HPLC enantiomer separation Features Base material NUCLEOSIL® silica, particle size 7 µm, pore size 300 Å Chiral selector bovine serum albumin (BSA) · USP L75 Separation based on selective interaction of…

  • NUCLEODUR® is a fully synthetical type B silica (silica of 3rd generation) offering highly advanced physical properties: Totally spherical particle shape Outstanding surface microstructure High pressure stability Low metal content NUCLEODUR® as a state-of-the-art silica…

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