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Our prepGEM Nucleic Acid Extraction Reagents use temperature changes to quickly and efficiently prepare samples for PCR analysis without multiple steps or the use of harsh chemicals.


As an added bonus for visiting us, we're offering 50% off one of the MicroGEM kits listed below! Click the link below the product list to redeem.

MicroGEM prepGEM Nucleic Acid Extraction Reagents

Thomas No.DescriptionList PriceSale Price
CHM01P722prepGEM Universal 50 reactions$106.59$53.30
CHM01P726prepGEM Bacteria 50 reactions$106.59$53.30
CHM01P734forensicGEM™ Universal 50 Reactions$172.43$86.22
CHM01P738forensicGEM™ Sperm 50 Reactions$244.53$122.26
CHM01P730RNAGEM 50 Reactions$159.89$79.95
CHM01P742RNAGEM V 50 Reactions$152.57$76.29