Thomas Brand: Wiley Mills

Thomas Brand: Wiley Mills

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  • Thomas Wiley® Mini-Mill Accessories

    Blade Set: 3383M05 set is of tool steel. 3383M10 set is of stainless steel. Hopper: Stainless steel, 2.5" dia. x 2.5" deep (64 x 64 mm), with cover. Wooden Plunger: For ramming sample materials into neck of hopper on Mini-Mills. Delivery Units: Nickel plated with Monel gauze top. Complete...

  • Thomas ED-5 Mills Accessories and Replacements Parts

    Revolving Knives Sold only in sets of four of matched width, for complete replacement, to assure uniform distance of cutting edges from center of rotor. 3379K60 Knife Set is of tool steel, hardened and tempered; Rockwell Hardness of edge is C59-61. 3379K65 Knife Set is of Type 440-C stainless steel;...

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