Ace Glass Lab Glassware, Scientific Glass Supplies

Ace Glass Lab Glassware, Scientific Glass Supplies

Products (129)

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  • Adapter, Gas Inlet

    With 24/40 standard taper inner and outer joints and side hose connection size D.

  • Ace Plastic Coating

    This easy-to-apply plastic coating forms a protective film around the outside of a glass component. It will normally contain both the glass particles and the materials inside the vessel should the glass vessel break during an experiment. This is a hard, adherent film and is resistant to leaching and...

  • PTFE Sleeves for Spherical Joints, .38mm

    Used in place of lubricant for average laboratory use not intended for high vacuum use unless cemented to glass with ACE 7560 epoxy adhesive. Rugged approximately .38mm (.015") wall thickness.

  • Distilling Head, Magnetic

    Straight adapter with the addition of a 75 degree side arm. Bottom and side are inner joints, outer joint top.

  • Tube, Break Seal

    Used as a one-time opening valve. Drawn to a point so that a small weight will fracture the seal.

  • Adapter, Distilling, with 75 degree 8mm O.D. Outlet Tube

    With standard taper 24/40 joint and 8mm O.D. outlet tube bent at 75 degree angle.

  • U Bend, Process Pipe

    Process pipe annealed u bend.

  • Adapter, Straight Connecting, Inner Joints

    Straight connecting adapter with standard taper inner joints at both ends. Various lengths.

  • Tubes, Drying, Schwartz

    Schwartz drying tube with standard taper stoppers.

  • Adapter, Socket Joint

    Adapters for joining jacketed reactor ball joint inlet/outlets to recirculator hoses. 28/15 and 35/25 sockets with various Ace-thred and tube ends.

  • Adapter, 15mm o-ring joint, O-Ring Seal joint

    Adapter, 15mm o-ring joint to standard taper or ball joints with o-ring seals. Fetfe o-rings for both joints are supplied.

  • Adapter, Reducing

    Connecting, reducing adapter with top female joint being smaller than the bottom male joint.

  • Adapter, Connecting Hose
  • Tube, Craig Recrystallization

    Microscale Craig tube for recrystallizing small quantities of reaction product. Craig tube recrystallization consists of a glass outer tube with non-uniform grind to purposely allow leakage, and a PTFE inner plug*. This plug eliminates breakage normally experienced with glass plugs. Volume stated is...

  • Column, Distillation, Hempel

    Vacuum jacketed and silvered with viewing strip or unsilvered. For use with No. 7792 Head. With standard taper 24/40 joints. Effective length, 250mm.

  • Septa, Rubber

    Ace Glass

    Septa tops are flanged with a sleeve-like extension that folds down over the vessel's neck. Punctured diaphragm re-seals after syringe is withdrawn. Septa are supplied in a variety of sizes, red, white or grey rubber.

  • Adapter, End Fitting, NPT to Ace-Thred, Michel-Miller

    PTFE adapter, precision made, for use when making NPT thread connectors to Ace-Threds. One end designed to make leaktight seal with Ace-Thred without use of O-Rings, other end accepts NPT male thread. Can be used when making connection at top of rapid prep columns or rigid connection between...

  • Adapter, Distilling

    For connecting distilling column with vertical condensers. Top joint 10/30 is for 76 mm immersion thermometer. Side arm at 75 degree , vertical side arm 17.8cm from center tube.

  • Beaded Pipe to Standard Taper Joint Adapter

    Borosilicate glass transition adapter to convert beaded pipe 2 to standard taper joint.

  • Adapter, Sublimation

    Unique device for carrying out sublimation directly in round bottom reaction flask; simply remove condenser, stirrer, etc. from joint, insert sublimation adapter and begin. Coolant connection at top and side vacuum connection are 9.5 mm (3/8") O.D. Vacuum connection is controlled by 1:5 PTFE 2 mm...

  • Adapter, Conversion, Ace-Thred to Joint

    Used to connect Ace-Thred to malejoint. Fabricated from PTFE. Supplied with one FETFE O-Ring.

  • TUBE, Receiving, Graduated

    100ml graduated, rotary evaporator receiving tube. Tapered bottom with 35/20 spherical outer joint top. Graduated in 0.5ml increments to 10ml, 5ml increments to 100ml.

  • Bushing, Ace-Thred Connector

    Bushing connector for joining an Ace-Thred to a reduced end tube. Assorted bushing and o-ring materials.

  • Adapter, Claisen

    Adapter with parallel side arm, outer joints at top, inner joint at bottom.

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