Both Thomas Scientific and Denville Scientific have worked hard to address as many questions and concerns you, our customers, may have about this integration. Below are some of the many things that we have addressed. Please check back here often for the most up-to-date information.
When I dial the "800" that I have always dialed for Denville Scientific, will it now be answered by Thomas Scientific Customer Service?
- Yes! Thomas Scientific has merged the customer service teams from both companies in order to give our customers a higher level of service and quicker response times to meet their needs.
Do I still have a Denville Account number?
- You may have received an email from [email protected], with password reset instructions. Please follow those instructions to reset your password. If you did not receive an email regarding a password reset, we kindly ask you to please try resetting your current username password via the 'I fogot my password' or re-register at
What about my open order that I have with Denville Scientific?
- Denville Scientific completed as many open orders and open POs as possible, prior to integration. Any remaining open orders or open POs were merged into Thomas Scientific’s order entry system to include any pertinent information to ensure that all orders are delivered in a timely manner.
Can I use the same fax number to place orders? Is Thomas Scientific receiving them now?
- Thomas Scientific is re-directing all faxes sent to Denville Scientific to the appropriate Thomas Scientific fax number.
Is Thomas Scientific receiving my orders that I emailed to Denville Scientific?
- Thomas Scientific is rerouting all orders emailed to Denville Scientific to the enhanced Thomas/Denville customer service team.
Is Thomas Scientific receiving the orders that I enter through EDI to Denville Scientific?
- Both Denville Scientific and Thomas Scientific are staying on top of that! Every customer that has an electronic catalog loaded in their Purchasing systems with Denville Scientific will be addressed by our IT department. Please stay tuned for direct communication regarding your electronic catalog.
I like to order items on the web. Will I still be able to do that?
- Yes, Absolutely! Thomas Scientific is happy to welcome all of Denville's customers to our website! Here you will find all of the items you previously purchased from Denville Scientific online, plus all of the additional product selections that Thomas has to offer.
Will I have the same sales representative?
- We know the sales representative relationship is important to our customers. There have been very little adjustments made on accounts. Please reach out to the Sales Representative you know and trust today, and they will be happy to assist you.
How does the purchase of Denville Scientific by Thomas Scientific impact me?
- The purchase of Denville Scientific opens up a world of additional products and suppliers to all Denville customers. Not only will you have access to the high quality products from Denville, just as you did in the past, you now have access and the ability to purchase the hundreds of thousands of items available in the Thomas Scientific distribution network.
Will this acquisition have an impact on delivery of my product?
- Yes, and in a Good way! Thomas Scientific will now have multiple locations that we can ship from with the purchase of Denville Scientific. Thomas Scientific continues to analyze the customer base and is moving any necessary inventory in order to bring faster delivery to our customers.
What will it say in my invoices?
- Good question! As we take final steps to complete this full integration, Invoices will be shifting from Denville Scientific to Thomas Scientific. When will this happen? Although we can't provide you with an exact date at this time, we will be updating these details in the days to come. Only after complete integration will any updating on invoices and/or other official forms take place. Stay tuned for more details.
My question wasn't really answered here. What should I do?
- Both Denville Scientific and Thomas Scientific are ready to assist you! If your specific question was not answered here to your satisfaction, please contact our customer service departments by calling: 800-345-2100, or send us an email: [email protected] We look forward to helping you!