Bottle, Glass, Amber, 5 mg

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5 mg Bottle, Glass, Amber

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  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C72H116O4 MF: 1045.72 CAS: 144-67-2 Purity: >95% by UV

  • MP Biomedicals

    Indocyanine green (ICG) is a cyanine dye used in medical diagnostics. It is used for determining cardiac output, hepatic function, and liver blood flow, and for ophthalmic angiography. ICG binds tightly to plasma proteins and becomes confined to the vascular system. Indocyanine Green is a…

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C36H58O9 MF: 634.85 CAS: 78285-90-2 Purity: =98.5% by HPLC

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C54H92O23 MF: 1109.3 CAS: 41753-43-9 Purity: =98% by HPLC

  • Proteinase K is a highly active stable endopeptidase with a broad spectrum of action was isolated by E. Merk's Darmstadt Biochemical Research Department in 1970 from a culture filtrate of the fungus, Tritirachium album Limber. This fungus is able to grow on Keratin (e.g., wool, horn particles)…

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C53H90O22 MF: 1079.29 CAS: 11021-13-9 Purity: =90% by HPLC

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C44H64O24 MF: 976.98 CAS: 42553-65-1 Purity: >98% by HPLC

  • Poly-lysine is a polycation which binds to DNA, red cell membrane and any negatively charged protein. Poly-L-lysine is typically used as a coating substrate for culture dishes, slides, etc. It enhances electrostatic interaction between negatively charged ions of the cell membrane and the culture…

  • Deoxyribonuclease from beef pancreas, DNase I, was first crystallized by Kunitz. It is an endonuclease which splits phosphodiester linkages, preferentially adjacent to a pyrimidine nucleotide yielding 5'-phosphate terminated polynucleotides with a free hydroxyl group on position 3'. The…

  • Citrinin is a fungal metabolite found in moldy rice. Citrinin was used to evaluate toxicity of the mycotoxin citrinin using yeast ORF DNA microarray and Oligo DNA microarray.

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C38H60O18 MF: 804.89 CAS: 57817-89-7 Purity: =98% by HPLC

  • Lectins are proteins or glycoproteins of non-immune origin that agglutinate cells and/or precipitate complex carbohydrates. Lectins are capable of binding glycoproteins even in presence of various detergents. The agglutination activity of these highly specific carbohydrate-binding molecules is…

  • Crocetin is a natural carotenoid dicarboxylic acid that is found in the crocus flower and Gardenia jasminoides. Crocetin was found to inhibit cell cycle progression at the G2-M phase and pancreatic tumor formation in nude mice. It has been shown to improve postshock recovery of cellular…

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C15H14O3 MF: 242.28 CAS: 531-95-3 Purity: 0.98

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C21H22O11 MF: 450.39 CAS: 535-96-6 Purity: =99% by HPLC

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C21H20O10 MF: 432.38 CAS: 529-59-9 Purity: >99%

  • Tunicamycin is a mixture of Tunicamycins A, B, C and D. It is a nucleoside antibiotic active in vitro against Gram-positive bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and viruses. Tunicamycin has been used to study the effect of N-linked glycosylation of human proton-coupled folate transporter (HsPCFT) in HeLa…

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C42H72O14 MF: 801.02 CAS: 22427-39-0 Purity: =98% by HPLC

  • Fibronectin are adhesive glycoproteins and are found both as cell surface proteins and in plasma. They are large glycoproteins found in cells and extracellular fluids. They are involved in a wide range of biological activities including cell adhesion to extracellular matrices, blood coagulation and…

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C40H56O2 MF: 568.89 CAS: 144-68-3 Purity: with UV: >98%

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C48H82O18 MF: 947.17 CAS: 52286-59-6 Purity: =98% by HPLC

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C48H82O18 MF: 947.17 CAS: 52705-93-8 Purity: =98% by HPLC

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C53H90O22 MF: 1079.29 CAS: 11021-14-0 Purity: =98% by HPLC

  • Acetyl-CoA is produced via beta-oxidation of fatty acids, via the metabolism of carbohydrates - glucose 6-phosphate to pyruvate to acetyl-CoA and via the catabolism of amino acids. Acetyl-CoA has a number of metabolic opportunities. It is metabolized in the tricarboxylic acid cycle to produce…

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C21H20O11 MF: 448.38 CAS: 490-54-0 Purity: =97.5% by HPLC

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C42H72O14 MF: 801.03 CAS: 52286-58-5 Purity: =98% by HPLC

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C21H20O9 MF: 416.37 CAS: 552-66-9 Purity: >96%

  • MP Biomedicals

    Natural tomato lycopene is a mixture of isomers, primarily (all-E), but also some (5-Z) and two lesser and unidentified cis isomers, all of which are difficult to resolve by LC. Lycopene is an open chain unsaturated carotenoid that gives tomatoes, guava, rose hip, watermelon and pink grapefruit its…

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C27H44O7 MF: 480.65 CAS: 5289-74-7 Purity: >95% by HPLC

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C19H3O4 MF: 322.45 CAS: 23513-08-8 Purity: >90% by HPLC

  • INDOFINE Chemical Company

    MF: C16H14O4 MF: 270.28 CAS: 482-44-0 Purity: =99% by HPLC

  • Thapsigargin is a cell-permeable sesquiterpene lactone found in the roots of Thapsia garganica. It is a tumor promotor and induces the release of intracellular stored Ca2+ without hydrolysis of inositolphospholipids via inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase. Thapsigargin may be used…

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