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MP Biomedicals is a worldwide corporation manufacturing and distributing systems, kits and reagents for the life science research, medical device, biopharma manufacturing and diagnostics markets. Our extensive portfolio and custom services deliver the dependability that research and industrial communities rely on to worry less and discover more. From small scale research to large scale manufacturing, MP Biomedicals has been advancing life science projects for over 50 years.

  • MP Biomedicals

    Casein is the name for a family of related phosphoproteins (αS1, αS2, β, κ). These proteins are commonly found in mammalian milk, making up 80% of the proteins in cow milk and between 20% and 45% of the proteins in human milk. Casein has a wide variety of uses, from being a…

  • Biological activity: The material is tested for biological activity by conducting mutagenesis titration curves with at least one of the following three tests: benzo(a)pryrene, 2-anthramine, and 2-acetylaminofluorene. Preparation: The material is prepared from 8-10 week old Sprague Dawley male…

  • Fibrinogen is a blood protein that is involved in clotting and is converted to fibrin by thrombin. Fibrinogen has an approximate molecular weight of 340 kDa. It consists of three non-identical pairs of disulfidebonded chains. The α-chain has an approximate molecular weight of 63.5 kDa, the…

  • MP Biomedicals

    Casein hydrolysate is a hydrochloric acid digest of casein in which the protein molecule has been substantially reduced to its constituent amino acids. The protein hydrolysate has been specially processed to remove essentially all sodium chloride. Laboratory media including basal media for…

  • Used to suppress immune response in vivo and in vitro.

  • Fibronectins are adhesive glycoproteins and are found both as cell surface proteins and in plasma. Human fibronectin (HFN) is suitable for use as an attachment factor in the propagation of cells in vitro when used to coat cell culture surfaces, including plasticware, glassware, and…

  • Peptone a water-soluble product, is a mixture of polypeptides and amino acids formed by the partial hydrolysis of protein. Peptone is produced from porcine and/or bovine tissues. The tissues are digested enzymatically to create small peptides and then spray dried. Peptone is used in culture…

  • MP Biomedicals

    Yeast Extract Powder is a vacuum-dried extract concentrate of Baker's yeast containing the B-complex factors of approximately three times the weight of ordinary dry yeast. This product is a vacuum dried autolyzed yeast extract produced from 100% Baker's yeast. It is a concentrated source of…

  • MP Biomedicals

    Lecithin is a purified, wax-like phosphatidylcholine of soybean origin. In addition to being the major structural component of cellular membranes, phosphatidylcholine serves as a reservoir for several lipid messengers, it is the source of the bioactive lipids lysophosphatidylcholine, phosphatidic…

  • * Used to lyse living yeast cell walls to produce protoplast or spheroplast * Can be used for glucan hydrolysis Zymolyase-20T is an enzyme preparation from a submerged culture of Arthrobacter luteus which effectively lyses cell walls of viable yeast cells. This preparation is a…

  • Aprotinin is a protein consisting of 58 amino acids, arranged in a single polypeptide chain that is crosslinked by three disulfide bridges. Aprotinin is found in bovine lymph nodes, lung, parotid gland, spleen, liver, pancreas, seminal vesicles, thyroid gland, kidney, mucous membranes of the…

  • MP Biomedicals

    Beef extract is a water soluble powder that is used in general purpose media. It is recommended for use in bacteriological examination of water, milk, and other materials, where uniform composition of media is important and for biochemical studies, particularly fermentation reactions because of its…

  • Lyophilized from 0.02M Ammonium Bicarbonate (may contain traces of buffer salt). β-2-Microglobulin is a cancer and renal biomarker. Excellent for controls or calibrators in enzyme assays. Reconstitution: To reconstitute use a phosphate buffer, pH >7.0, containing 0.15 M NaCl.

  • Trypsin is a porcine pancreas-derived enzyme that is commonly used for the dissociation and disaggregation of anchorage-dependent mammalian cells and tissues. The concentration of trypsin necessary to dislodge cells from their substrate is dependent primarily on the cell type and the age of the…

  • MP Biomedicals

    Gum Arabic can be branched polymer of galactose, rhamnose, arabinose, and glucuronic acid as the calcium, magnesium, and potassium salts. It is used in textiles, ceramics, lithography, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. In the food industry, acacia is mainly used as confectionery, bakery, dairy,…

  • Fetuin is a protein containing 12 Cys residues, all involved in disulfide bridges. The composition of bovine fetuin (weight %) is polypeptide 74%, hexose 8.3%, hexosamines 5.5%, and sialic acid 8.7%. Fetuin bovine is a protein with the ability to bind to the insulin receptor and inhibit insulin…

  • Each donor unit used in the preparation of the product was tested and found negative for Anti-HIV 1/2, HBsAg, Anti-HCV and HIV-1 Ag by FDA approved methods or CE approved methods. Used as an immunological challenge in studies of mechanisms of immunotolerance.

  • Crude Phaseolus vulgaris-P lectin (PHA-P) from the Red Kidney Bean. Phytohemagglutinin PHA agglutinates the erythrocytes of all human blood groups as well as those of rabbit, dog, cat, mouse, sheep, and guinea pig. The optimal amount of PHA required for the agglutination of erythrocytes varies with…

  • Tubulin, porcine, 99% pure, 1 mg. Tubulin is composed of a heterodimer of two closely related 55 kDa proteins called alpha and beta tubulin.

  • Tubulin, Purified from Bovine Brain, 1 mg. Purified bovine brain tubulin protein supplied in liquid form at 10 mg/mL in 80 mM PIPES buffer containing 1 mM EGTA, 1 mM GTP, pH 6.8 and 10% glycerol. It is a heterodimer composed of a- and ß- tubulin of 55 kDa (molecular weight ?110 kDa). Polymerization…

  • The product is in 10mM phosphate, 0.15M NaCl buffer, pH 7.4, 1% ovalbumin, 40% glycerol containing 0.1% proclin as preservative. Protein A is a component of the cell wall of Staphylococcus aureus (Cowan 1 Strain), and binds to the Fc portion of immunoglobulin molecules of most mammalian species.…

  • Yeast Hydrolysate Enzymatic is an autolyzed yeast extract produced from 100% brewers yeast. It is a concentrated source of soluble protein components, carbohydrates, and B Complex vitamins natural to yeast.

  • Bovine Transferrin is chromatographically purified from New Zealand-sourced bovine plasma in an ISO quality system assuring complete traceability and consistent high quality. Transferrin (HOLO) is an iron-rich product supplied as a heat-treated, lyophilized powder.

  • Baker's yeast is of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast, or Baker's yeast, is commonly used as a leavening agent in baking bread and bakery products, where it converts the sugars present in the dough into carbon dioxide and ethanol. Dried Active has been reported to…

  • Lectins are proteins or glycoproteins of non-immune origin that agglutinate cells and/or precipitate complex carbohydrates. Lectins are capable of binding glycoproteins even in presence of various detergents. The agglutination activity of these highly specific carbohydrate-binding molecules is…

  • Collagen Solutions are highly purified (predominantly Type I) solutions especially prepared for Tissue Culture applications. Collagen Solutions may be used to prepare a collagen coating on plastic or glass culture dishes, or to prepare actual collagen gels for culture work. Since collagen plays an…

  • β-2-microglobulin (β2-M) is a polypeptide that associates with the heavy chain of class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens on the cell surface. The interaction is dynamic and plays a critical role in the stability of the MHC antigens and their ability to present peptide…

  • Suitable for cell adhesion in tissue culture, as well as gel formation, platelet aggregation, and as a substrate for collagenase. Collagen is a group of naturally occurring proteins found in animals, especially in the flesh and connective tissues of vertebrates. It is the main component of…

  • Apoferritin is the Protein shell of ferritin. Calibration of gel filtration columns and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Acts as an anti-oxidant When added to cultured endothelial cells apoferritin is taken up in a dose-responsive manner and appears to…

  • Product reacts in an agglutination assay with anti-sheep red blood cells. The hematocrit is within the acceptable range. Red blood cells collected into Alsever's solution (Dextrose, sodium chloride, sodium citrate), washed with phosphate buffered saline and preserved with borate buffer,…

  • MP Biomedicals

    Streptavidin is a protein produced by the bacterium Streptomyces avidinii. It has four binding sites for biotin, as does avidin. Both have been used extensively as probes in immunochemical systems, conjugated to antibodies, enzymes or fluorochromes. However, avidin is highly basic (pI ~ 10.5),…

  • Fibronectin are adhesive glycoproteins and are found both as cell surface proteins and in plasma. They are large glycoproteins found in cells and extracellular fluids. They are involved in a wide range of biological activities including cell adhesion to extracellular matrices, blood coagulation and…

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