Life Science Reagents, Lonza, NEW! Life Science

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  • Lonza

    FlashGelTM DNA Cassettes are essential components of the FlashGelTM System for fast electrophoresis of DNA. FlashGelTM DNA Cassettes are the ideal sample screening tool for checking up to 32 PCR or restriction fragment samples quickly without having to plan your day around agarose gels or to verify…

  • AccuGENE™Tris CL or Trishydroxymethyl aminomethane is a buffer with a range (7-9) that coincides with the physiological pH typical of most living organisms. It is the “T” in TAE, TBE and TE Buffers, and one of the most common starting chemicals when creating a biological buffer.…

  • AccuGENE™Tris- EDTA Buffer is a basic Tris buffer with added EDTA. It is Commonly used as the basis for other buffers such as TAE and TBE, and electrophoresis for DNA/RNA destined for downstream enzymatic processes.

  • SYBR® Green stains are fluorescent dyes used to detect DNA and RNA. They are more sensitive and less mutagenic than standard stains, yet they provide excellent signal-to-noise ratio with minimal background. SYBR® Green I detects as little as 60 pg dsDNA and 1 ng oligonucleotides in agarose…

  • AccuGENE™ Sodium dodecyl sulfate is a detergent that is known to denature proteins; It’s used in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for the determination of protein molecular weight. It is also used in nucleic acid extraction procedures for the disruption of cell walls and dissociation…

  • AccuGENE TM 10x PBS (Phosphate buffered saline) is a buffer solution commonly used in biological research. It is a water-based salt solution containing disodium hydrogen phosphate and sodium chloride. The osmolarity and ion concentrations of PBS are isotonic, so it is often used for protein and…

  • SeaPlaque™ Agarose is the original low melting temperature agarose. This molecular biology grade agarose produces gels with greater sieving properties and higher clarity than standard melting temperature agarose. The low melting temperature of SeaPlaque™ Agarose makes it ideal for…

  • AccuGENE™ TBE (Tris hydroxymethyl aminomethane) is made from Tris, EDTA and Boric acid. The addition of borate makes TBA a better conductive medium than TAE so it less prone to overheating and better for longer runs. Borate does inhibit some enzymatic reactions, so it is not often used if the…

  • FlashGel™ Bluelight Dock

  • Reliant™ Precast RNA Gels are ready-to-use RNase free agarose gels suitable for a variety of RNA applications including Northern blotting and analysis of RNA transcripts. Gels are made with 1.25% SeaKem® Gold Agarose in 1X MOPS buffer with no denaturants. Reliant™ Precast…

  • AccuGENE™ 10X MOPS Buffer is specially formulated MOPS Buffer for use with Latitude™ and Reliant™ Precast Gels and is manufactured with the same reagents used in our precast gels.

  • FlashGel DNA QuantLadd 100-1500bp 250uL

  • SeaKem® LE Agarose was the first and is still the world’s most trusted agarose for nucleic acid electrophoresis. Ideal for routine analysis of nucleic acids by gel electrophoresis and blotting, each SeaKem® LE Gel sharply resolves DNA and provides consistent resolution from…

  • The FlashGel TM Device Pack provides the key components for researchers to quickly begin using and imaging FlashGel TM DNA Cassettes. FlashGel TM DNA Cassettes are the ideal sample screening tools to check up to 32 PCR or restriction fragments quickly without having to plan your day around…

  • The ProSieve™ ProTrack™ Dual Color Protein Loading Buffer protects proteins from heat degradation during the sample preparation step, as well against pH changes during the SDS-PAGE run. Some proteins are sensitive to pH changes that result from temperature fluctuations during…

  • PCR Products on a NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose Gel – A 550 bp sequence from lambda DNA was amplified (25 cycles) using primers and Taq DNA polymerase supplied in the GeneAmp® kit (Roche Molecular Systems). PCR products and controls were electro phoresed on a 4% NuSieve™ 3:1 agarose…

  • AccuGENE™ TBE (Tris hydroxymethyl aminomethane) is made from Tris, EDTA and Boric acid. The addition of borate makes TBA a better conductive medium than TAE so it less prone to overheating and better for longer runs. Borate does inhibit some enzymatic reactions, so it is not often used if the…

  • GelBond® PAG Film is a transparent, flexible polyester film designed to support polyacrylamide or MDE™ Gels. The acrylamide monomers covalently attach to the coating on the film during the polymerization reaction. Gels remain permanently attached to the film through electrophoresis…

  • The Reliant™ Gel System consists of precast agarose minigels for rapid and reproducible resolution of DNA fragments from 8 bp to 10 kb. Each precast agarose gel is precision cast using our SeaKem® Gold, NuSieve™ Hi-Res or NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose and are available…

  • IsoGel™ Precast Agarose IEF Plates provide rapid and reproducible isoelectric focusing of proteins up to 2,000 kDa. These plates are specifically designed for the analysis of antibodies. Each precast gel is supported on GelBond® Film to provide easy handling and excellent dimensional…

  • AccuGENE™ Saline-sodium-citrate is used as a hybridization buffer, to control stringency for washing steps in protocols for Southern blotting, in situ hybridization or Northern blotting. 20X SSC may be used to prevent drying of agarose gels during a vacuum transfer.

  • DNA ladders with 4 bp or 8 bp step sizes were prepared by ligation of Bgl II linkers. Aliquots of 0.8 µgof the ladders were separated on a 3.5% MetaPhor™ Agarose gel in a horizontal format and compared to an 8% polyacrylamide gel run in a vertical format in TBE buffer.

  • AccuGENE™ Tris Glycine SDS Buffer is a Tris buffer with added glycine. Tris glycine SDS buffer is commonly used to separate protein samples by SDS poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Proteins are separated by size.

  • One of Lonza’s highest EEO argaroses, SeaKem® HEEO Agarose is a very high EEO agarose that is useful in applications requiring significant cathodal migration, such as IEP of IgG and IgM. SeaKem® HEEO Agarose can also be used to blend with a lower EEO agarose to achieve a specific EEO…

  • SeaPlaque™ GTG™ Agarose is a Genetic Technology Grade™ Agarose used for separating DNA and PCR product fragments greater than 1,000 bp. This low melting temperature (65º C) agarose is ideally suited for direct enzymatic manipulation of nucleic acids in remelted agarose…

  • One of Lonza’s highest EEO argaroses, SeaKem® HEEO Agarose is a very high EEO agarose that is useful in applications requiring significant cathodal migration, such as IEP of IgG and IgM. SeaKem® HEEO Agarose can also be used to blend with a lower EEO agarose to achieve a specific EEO…

  • SYPRO® Ruby is 60-times more sensitive than reversible protein blot stains like Ponceau S, and 30-times more sensitive than Amido Black or Coomassie® brilliant blue stains.

  • AccuGENE™Phosphate buffered saline is a buffer solution commonly used in biological research. It is a water-based salt solution containing disodium hydrogen phosphate and sodium chloride. The osmolarity and ion concentrations of PBS are isotonic, so it is often used for protein and cell…

  • SeaKem® HGT Agarose is a high gelling temperature agarose that exhibits high gel strength and clarity and is primarily used the electrophoreisis of proteins. Specifically designed for applications such as counter-immunoelectrophoresis and crossed-immunoelectrophoresis, SeaKem® HGT Agarose…

  • The Reliant™ Gel System consists of precast agarose minigels for rapid and reproducible resolution of DNA fragments from 8 bp to 10 kb. Each precast agarose gel is precision cast using our SeaKem® Gold, NuSieve™ Hi-Res or NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose and are available…

  • Formaldehyde denaturation is suitable when samples are to be recovered from agarose gels. Our Formaldehyde Sample Buffer contains formaldehyde, formamide, and tracking dyes in MOPS Buffer. Supplied in 1.0 ml vials

  • FlashGel™ Recovery Cassettes, 2.2% 8+1 double-tier, 9 pack

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