15 cm x 23 cm (6 in x 9 in), Ready to Ship, 69 oz

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69 oz Ready to Ship 15 cm x 23 cm (6 in x 9 in)

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  • Whirl-Pak® Filter Sterilized Sampling Bags provide a secure, contaminant free flexible container that ensures clean pipetting for dependable results. You can count on Whirl-Pak® products as a proven, economical and efficient way to collect, store and transport samples. 100% Sterile, USA…

  • Whirl-Pak® Standard Sterilized Sampling Bags provide a secure, contaminant free flexible container that ensures dependable analysis results. You can count on Whirl-Pak® products as a proven, economical and efficient way to collect, store and transport samples. 100% Sterile, USA…

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