UN2810, 2179-57-9

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  • LKT Labs

    Allyl disulfide is an organosulfur originally found in garlic that exhibits antioxidative, antiviral, neuroprotective, anti-parasitic, anticancer, and anti-hyperlipidemic activities. Allyl disulfide induces phase II enzymes, inhibits lipid peroxidation, and acts as a radical scavenger. In vitro,…

  • Diallyl disulfide is an oil-soluble organosulfer compound found in garlic, which is known to exert chemopreventive activity against colon, lung, and skin cancer. Synonyms: Allyl disulfide Molecular Formula: C6H10S2 Molecular Weight: 146.27 Linear Structural Formula: …

  • Cayman Chemical

    An organosulfur compound derived from allicin; converted, in the presence of thiols, to the gaseous mediator H2S; serves as a thiol-dependent H2S donor in biological systems.

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