41116012, Chemicals

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  • Bradford method utilizes Coomassie Brillant Blue G-250 dye binding to an unknown protein and forming a complex which can be detected spectophotometrically at 595nm. Method of choice for protein quantitation. Designed to quantitate 1 to 10µg/ml protein but can be scaled up to quantitate 10…

  • Bradford method utilizes Coomassie Brillant Blue G-250 dye binding to an unknown protein and forming a complex which can be detected spectophotometrically at 595nm. Method of choice for protein quantitation. Designed to quantitate 1 to 10µg/ml protein but can be scaled up to quantitate 10…

  • Bradford method utilizes Coomassie Brillant Blue G-250 dye binding to an unknown protein and forming a complex which can be detected spectophotometrically at 595nm. Method of choice for protein quantitation. Designed to quantitate 1 to 10µg/ml protein but can be scaled up to quantitate 10…

  • Inclusion of reductants enhances denaturation by breaking down intramolecular protein disulfide bonds.

  • Low cost chemiluminiscent detection of proteins on Western Blots. Provides rapid detection of antigen-antibody complexes with peroxidase-labeled second antibody (not included). Contents: Complete reagents for developing 20 blots

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