bioWORLD, All Plant, 100 mL, Plant

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  • Contains Vitamins as described by Lloyd & McCown (1981) and Murashige & Skoog (1962) Package includes 10 prepared, filtered, and sterilized ampules of 10 mL of 1000X vitamin stock solution Use 1 mL per liter of medium Contents: Glycine: 2.00 mg/L myo-Inositol:…

  • Contains the Vitamins as described by Murashige & Skoog (1962) modified with additional Thiamine Plant tissue culture tested Working Concentration: 10.40 g/ 100 mL pH: 3.5–4.5 Soluble in water

  • Contains Macronutrients and Micronutrients as described by Schenk and Hildebrandt (1972) Sucrose, Cytokines, Vitamins, and Auxins should be added as needed Provided as 1 unit to make 10L, 25L, or 50L of medium, or as 10 units to make 1L of medium Plant tissue culture tested …

  • Contains Vitamins as described by Gamborg, et al. (1968) Package includes 11.20 g vitamins to prepare 100 mL of 1000X vitamin stock solution Use 1 mL per liter of medium Contents: myo-Inositol: 100.00 mg/L Nicotinic Acid: 1.00 mg/L Pyridoxine HCl: 1.00 mg/L Thiamine HCl:…

  • bioWORLD

    Contains Micronutrients and Macronutrients as described by Nitsch & Nitsch (1969) Sucrose, Cytokines, Vitamins, and Auxins should be added as needed Provided as 1 unit to make 25L or 50L of medium, or as 10 units to make 1L of medium Plant tissue culture tested Working…

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