Solutions, B, Bottle, Poly, 10 L, Ricca Chemical

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  • Ricca Chemical

    Biuret Reagent TS, (U.S.P. Test Solution) is a solution, sometimes designated with "TS or Test Solution", that is prepared according to the specifications of the USP Pharmacopeial Convention, for the purpose of conducting USP and National Formulary tests and assays.

  • Ricca Chemical

    Boric acid, more specifically orthoboric acid, is a compound of boron, oxygen, and hydrogen with formula B(OH)3. It may also be called hydrogen borate or boracic acid.[3] It is usually encountered as colorless crystals or a white powder, that dissolves in water, and occurs in nature as the mineral…

  • Ricca Chemical

    The Ricca Chemical boric acid is a dynamic chemical solution that acts as a fireproofing agent, food preservative and as an antiseptic. It is a most commonly used solution in the manufacturing industries and is used in the production of glass, pottery, porcelain, artificial gems, dyeing and…

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