Pharmacy Refrigerators, Refrigerators / Freezers, Arctiko International, Chemicals

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  • Arctiko International

    The PR Refrigerator store and secure your samples with outstanding cooling reliability and performance. Arctiko has combined the high quality cooling performance created by air-forced cooling circulation with the many features and user friendliness offered by the Arctiko controller G214. The…

  • The PRE 55 refrigerator +2°/+8°C is small, user-friendly and suitable for minor laboratories, offices etc. The biomedical refrigerator has two adjustable shelves and a basket. It is a under counter model, that fits well under an office desk The PRE 120 refrigerator +2°/+8°C is…

  • Arctiko International

    The LR Refrigerator store and secure your samples with outstanding cooling reliability and performance. Arctiko has combined the high quality cooling performance created by air-forced cooling circulation with the many features and user friendliness offered by the Arctiko controller G214. The…

  • LFE 110 freezer -25° C is small and suitable for minor laboratories, offices etc. It can store small samples and has a key lock on the door. It is user-friendly with adjustable shelves. The LFE 110 freezer has a size which is suitable for storage of diagnostic samples, vaccines and storage of…

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