Reagents, P, MilliporeSigma, Drum, Poly, Chemicals

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  • For the cultivation, isolation and enumeration of yeasts and molds from foodstuffs and other materials. Synonym(s): PDA Typical Composition (g/L): Potato infusion 4.0 (infusion from 300g potatoes); D(+)glucose 20.0; agar-agar 15.0 Preparation: 39.0g/L

  • Mainly used to determine the total microbial count of milk, dairy products, water and other materials. Synonym(s): Casein-peptone Dextrose Yeast Agar, Standard Methods Agar Typical Composition (g/L): Peptone from casein 5.0; yeast extract 2.5; D(+)glucose 1.0; agar-agar 14.0 Preparation: 22.5g/L

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