Chemicals Assay Kits, 200 mL, Chemicals

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Chemicals 200 mL Chemicals Assay Kits

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  • bioWORLD

    PBS/Casein (Thomas Nos. C994C57 and C994C58 ) Supplied in a 10X PBS pH range 7.4 (+/- 0.1) Sold as 2 x 100mL or 500mL. PBS/Fish Gelatin (Thomas Nos. C994C59 and C994C60 ) Phosphate Buffered Saline/fish gelatin 0.05% blocks, diluents, and coating…

  • bioWORLD

    IBS/Casein (Thomas Nos. C994C53 and C994C54) All blocks and diluents are supplied in a 10X concentration of physiological saline buffer. Sold as 2 x 100mL or 500mL. Technical Information: pH range: 7.0 (+/- 0.1) based upon an Imidazole physiologic buffer …

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