Total Cost of Chemical Ownership (TCO)
and The Chemical Life Cycle

Many companies underestimate the impact of their chemical supply strategy because they underestimate the impact of their chemicals. Purchase price is typically a poor measure of true chemical impact.

Each step of the Chemical Life Cycle brings on added costs — labor (receiving/transporting), equipment (storing/pumping), storage (building space, treatment, disposal), just to name a few.

The benefits of the Chemical Advantage Program can help you save and create value beyond price!

Consolidate through Thomas and Start Saving Today!

How it works:

  1. Share your annual purchase history with us
  2. We analyze your purchase history to determine item specific usage. Based on our analysis we will generate your custom cost savings proposal and send back to you for your full review...we can recommend product standardizations that meet your requirements, including our state-of-the-art “Scan and Go” Inventory replenishment system
  3. You accept your custom savings proposal
  4. We implement:
        i. Usage Reports
        ii. Periodic Business Reviews

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