The top graduation line on unmatched Kimble Nessler Color Comparison Tubes may be any distance from the outside bottom within the range of scale lengths shown in individual descriptions.
In matched sets, the top graduation lines of all the tubes in a set will be within the very close limits for a set given in catalog descriptions. However, the average distance of these lines from the outside bottom for a set may be anywhere within the range of scale lengths.
In case lots of matched sets, the average distances of the top lines from the outside of the bottom may vary from set to set anywhere within range of scale lengths. All graduation lines and legends are durable white ceramic enamel.
With the "Shadowless Bottom" feature. Narrower and taller with a much longer scale length than 45310. The 50 mL size is specifically mentioned by the American Public Health Association in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water. Rings and legend are durable white ceramic enamel. Rings coincide with specific volumes of liquid. Designed from Federal Specification NNN-T-175, Type 1, Class 2 requirements.