SwabTek Gunshot Residue Test Kit
SwabTek’s Gunshot Residue (GSR) Test Kit is designed to presumptively test for the presence of GSR. The test kit screens for the inorganic constituents of GSR, the metallic fragments left as residual following discharge of a firearm. The test kit can be used to lift samples from a number of different surfaces that are common GSR sites, including: firearm components, bullet shells and casings, body parts, and clothing COMPOUNDS DETECTED• SwabTek’s GSR Test Kit screens for metallic fragments, including copper and zinc. For further information on detection, please refer to the User Manual for this test. 25 tests/box
SwabTek Cannabis Test Kit
SwabTek’s Cannabis Test Kit is for testing for the presumptive presence of cannabis. This test kit can be used to test for cannabis residue on any surface and does not require a sample of plant material. The Cannabis Test Kits can be used to detect cannabis in samples that could previously not be tested, from vape pens and creams to edibles and surfaces that have come in contact with cannabis. The test kit can detect cannabis in samples of plant material, oils, liquids, vaping pipes, vaping juices, gels, creams and edibles. DRUG DETECTION• Δ-9-THC• CBC• CBD• CBN• Marijuana• Industrial Hemp• Cannabinoids• Hashish• Ganja 25 tests/box
SwabTek Fentanyl+ Test Kit
SwabTek’s Fentanyl+ Test Kit is designed to screen for fentanyl and fentanyl analogues in any sample. The test kit can be used on both liquid and solid samples in pure form or clandestine mixes with other narcotics. Samples may appear as white to off-white fine powders to crystalline grains, may be dissolved as a liquid or gel, and can be found in commercial pharmaceutical products. SwabTek Test Kits are an alternative to traditional presumptive field tests, combining dry reagent technology with an intuitive form factor to deliver a test that is simpler and safer to use than any on the market. SwabTek Test Kits rely on swab-based sample collection, allowing the user to screen for threats on any surface, and in liquid and solid samples. The tests do not contain any hazardous chemicals or glass components and are 100% recyclable. Thanks to these safety improvements, SwabTek is the first law-enforcement grade presumptive field test available to the general public. They are simple, discreet and non-invasive, making them the perfect tool for police officers, schools, and airports. DRUG DETECTION• Screens for Fentanyl + Major Fentanyl Analogues + other select high-threat Narcotics, including select Opioids and Amphetamines• Can identify the presence of Fentanyl Analogues with a level of detection as little as 3 μg 25 tests/box