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Meridian (Bioline)

Proteinase K

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Proteinase K is a highly active serine protease with broad cleavage specificity on native and denatured proteins.

Proteinase K is widely used in the purification of native RNA and DNA from tissues or cell lines, as well as for many other applications.

Product Highlights

  • High activity - broad-spectrum serine protease
  • Active under denaturing conditions - useful for a variety of applications
  • Stable - at high temperatures
  • Molecular biology grade - useful for general digestion of proteins
  • Proteinase K is also available as a stabilized stock solution

Product Description

Proteinase K is a highly active serine protease (MW 28,500 Da) isolated from the fungus Tritirachium album. The enzyme exhibits broad cleavage specificity on native and denatured proteins and is widely used in the purification of native RNA and DNA from tissues or cell lines. Because the solution is tested for the absence of RNases and DNases, it is ideal for isolating PCR and RT-PCR templates.

The activity of Proteinase K is increased in the presence of denaturants such as SDS (1%) and elevated temperature (50-60°C). The recommended working concentration is 50-100 μg/mL for protein removal and enzyme inactivation and up to 2 mg/mL for tissue treatment.

Proteinase K products are free of detectable DNase and RNase.

Meridian Life Sciences, Inc. products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Meridian Life Sciences, Inc. distributor to place orders for Meridian Life Sciences, Inc. products.

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Thomas No.
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Proteinase K, 100mg
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Thomas No.
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Also known as: RGB-37039
Proteinase K, 1000mg
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$0.00 (0 Items)
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