Proteinase K is a stable >50 mg/ml (power) highly active proteolytic enzyme that is purified from the mold tritirachium album. The enzyme has two binding sites for Ca++, which lie some distance from the active site and is not directly involved in the catalytic mechanism. The high activity of the enzyme solution (0.6 U/μl) means that you can keep the reaction volumes low, for instance, as low as 200 μg/ml. It also means that you can expect more complete digestion of your sample.
Store at -20°C. Warm to room temperature before opening. Keep tightly sealed.
CAS#: 39450-01-6
Molecular Weight: ~18,000
Da Activity @ 37°C (U/mg): Min. 30 U/mg
Molecular Biology Specifications
DNase Assay: None Detected
RNase Assay: None Detected